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EIC / Обучение в США / Процесс поступления / Заполнение форм / Диплом


Диплом (студенты)

The attached diploma is issued to Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich to certify that in September 1995 he entered Moscow State University and in June 2000 completed an approved course of study in Mathematics at this university.

According to the decision of the State Examinations Board on June 1, 2000, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich has received a degree in Applied Mathematics.


[Chairman of the State Examinations Board signature]
[Head (Rector) of the University (signature)]
[Registrar (signature)]
City of Moscow June 27, 2000
Registration No. 88

I certify this to be an accurate translation of the diploma. Foreign Language Department of Moscow State University.


Chairman: Ivan Petrov
June 28, 2000

Диплом (Кандидат/Доктор наук)

The Scientific Council, under the auspices of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences by its decision on April 1, 2001 (recorded in the minute No. 5), has awarded to Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich a scientific degree of Candidate (Doctor) of Science in Physics and Mathematics.


[Head of the Scientific Council (signature)]
[Scientific Secretary of the Council (signature)]
City of Moscow June 28, 2001
Registration No. 5

I certify this to be an accurate translation of the diploma. Foreign Language Department of Moscow State University.


Chairman: Ivan Petrov
June 29, 2000

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