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Тема Application Process / General Information / what to begin with? I need your answer pls (1068 просмотр(ов))

Anonymous 13:55 13.08.2003 [Ответить]
I would like to know what should i begin with.....i graduated from the University in Kazakhstan, and i live in Kazakhstan, now i am working as an interpreter in KZ, and i would like to go to US so that to improve my Language, can i use -work and travel program-if i am not a student or i need to enter university for it, advice me plz, what i can do in the present situation, am i to go to Moscow, can someone help me in this situation......Thanks in advance, Olga


@Oksana 15:03 13.08.2003 [Ответить] Корень раздела
Dear Olga,
first of all, please let me know where in Kazakhstan you're located, so I can direct you to the Educational Cenetr near you. They might have programs designed specifically for your region. Work and travel programs have a certain age limit. Another option is to check with some profit organizayions, if you're willling to spend the money on yur education.

Please let me know if there're any other questions.

Oksana Anistratenko,

Тема Application Process / General Information / what to begin with? I need your answer pls (1068 просмотр(ов))
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