Mogu prodat' VSE materially po GMAT (v poradke ubyvanija vazhnosti):
1) Official Guide 10th edition, Verbal Section (absolute must!)
2) ETS Paper Tests (9 non-CAT tests released by ETS and GMAC) (absolute must!)
3) VStudy (ochen' rekomenduju)
4) GMAT+ (starye i novye voprosy iz Real Test i Kaplan)
5) Cambridge GMAT
6) ARCO Gmat
7) Prinston GMAT 2004
8) Kaplan 2004 (good)
9) 800 Score (redkoe fuflo, osobenno verbal)
10) LSAT (dla the kto aim for 99%; tough reading and critical reasoning)
11) some I-don't-know-where-they-got-it stuff from New Oriental School (may be real test questions of past years, at least they claim so)
12) AWA guide and 2004 topics
(vse na CD, knigi ne prodaju!!)