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Vsem privet! Ja professional'no prepodaju GMAT, sam sdaval ego 2 raza, oba na 99%. Zhivu v Ukraine i rabotaju na US-based GMAT-consulting firm. Mogu prodat' VSE materially po GMAT (v poradke ubyvanija vazhnosti): 1)Official Guide 10th edition, Verbal Section (absolute must!) 2)ETS Paper Tests (9 non-CAT tests released by ETS and GMAC) (absolute must!) 3)VStudy (ochen' rekomenduju) 4)GMAT+ (starye i novye voprosy iz Real Test i Kaplan) 5)Cambridge GMAT 6)ARCO Gmat 7)Prinston GMAT 2004 8)Kaplan 2004 (good) 9)800 Score (redkoe fuflo, osobenno verbal) 10)LSAT (dla the kto aim for 99%; tough reading and critical reasoning) 11WA guide and 2004 topics (vse na CD, knigi ne prodaju!!) Vse eto maximum $20 + shipment fee. Mogu individual'no pomoch' s podgotovkoj k testu tak kak znaju ego inside-out Pishite na gmat_consultant@yahoo.com Good Luck in your MBA quest! |