USEIC.RU Study in the United States Russian Education Preparing for Departure
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EAC / Preparing for Departure

Accepted to a US Institution?
Don't Know What to Do?

The Moscow EducationUSA Advising Center invites you to a free pre-departure orientation session on Saturday, June 17, 2006 at the Library of Foreign Literature. The orientation will include information on new visa regulations, useful hints on travel, adjusting to your campus and coping with culture shock. You will learn about cultural differences from both Russian and American perspectives and get important survival tips.

The lunch will be offered in a “Pot Luck” style.
What is Pot Luck? It is an American tradition that lets people get together without putting a burden on the host. At a pot luck, no one has to do all the work. Everyone is expected to bring a small contribution to the meal: an appetizer, a salad, a vegetable side dish, a dessert, fruit, or cheese and crackers. Join us for your first pot luck! Don’t miss the chance to meet some new people and make new friends. Let us know what you’ll contribute, if possible.

Attendance is free, but please sign up in advance, fill out the form and tell us about your plans by phone: 777-6533 or e-mail:

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