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EAC / News / November 18, 2003

The Moscow EIC is pleased to announce the results of the essay competition held in honor International Education Week.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who took part in the competition. The selection process was not an easy one, as we had many good essays from many people expressing the value of international education in their lives. We do hope that you will take part in other activities we will conduct in the future.

Below you will find a list of winners and the names of the books they have won:
Marina Loukanina - Peterson's TOEFL CBT Success
Evgenya Butenina - Peterson's TOEFL CBT Success
Elena Nikolaeva - Peterson's TOEFL CBT Success
Alexandra Bykova (Yaroslavl) - ARCO Master the TOEFL CBT
Mikhail Kunin - ARCO Master the TOEFL CBT

Sincerely yours,
Moscow EIC Staff.

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