The Moscow EAC is proud to announce a new service for visitors who want to apply to US universities!
If you attend EAC events and are planning to apply to a US university or college, you can participate! Participants receive a certificate from the IREX office in Washington. You may include the certificate in your university or college applications. In addition, if you receive a certificate and are accepted to a US university, the EAC can write a letter to the Embassy for you to use when applying for a US visa.*
What to do:
Step 1: Register with an EAC advisor.
Step 2: Attend all required EAC lectures and consultations.
Step 3: Provide required documents from university applications Receive a certificate of completion
To get started, visit our website, call the EAC or come see us!
Library of Foreign Literature
Ul. Nikolo-Yamskaya, 1, 3 floor
Moscow, Russia, 109189
(095) 777-6533
* The Moscow EAC reserves the right to withdraw a participant from the Program.