USEIC.RU Study in the United States Russian Education Preparing for Departure
About Moscow EAC Forum

About Moscow EAC
Study in the U.S.
Pre Departure
Education Fair
EACs in the NIS
Russian Education

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EAC / News


The Moscow EAC is proud to announce a new service for visitors who want to apply to US universities!

If you attend EAC events and are planning to apply to a US university or college, you can participate! Participants receive a certificate from the IREX office in Washington. You may include the certificate in your university or college applications. In addition, if you receive a certificate and are accepted to a US university, the EAC can write a letter to the Embassy for you to use when applying for a US visa.*

What to do:
Step 1: Register with an EAC advisor.
Step 2: Attend all required EAC lectures and consultations.
Step 3: Provide required documents from university applications Receive a certificate of completion

To get started, visit our website, call the EAC or come see us!

Library of Foreign Literature
Ul. Nikolo-Yamskaya, 1, 3 floor
Moscow, Russia, 109189
(095) 777-6533

* The Moscow EAC reserves the right to withdraw a participant from the Program.

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