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0irectory of History Departments and Organizations in the United States and Canada, 16th ed., 1990-91
100 Successful College Application Essays, 1988
100 Successful College Application Essays, 1991
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups, 2000
1996-1997 A's and B's of Academic Scholarships, The, 18th ed., 1996
1997 Guide to Museum Studies and Training in the United States
1997 What Color is Your Parachute, The, 1996 (2)
60 Seconds and You're Hired!, 2000
90 Minute Resume, The, 1992
A How-to Guide Grant Proposals that Work, 2001
AAA Guide 1989-1990 A Guide to Departments, 28th ed., 1989
AAASS Directory of Members, 2000-2002
AAASS Directory of Programs: Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies 1993-95
AALS Directory of Law Teachers, The, 1991-1992
ABET Accreditation Yearbook, 1994
ACGME 2001-2002 Graduate Medical Education Directory, 2001
ADAMS Cover Letter. Almanac and Disk, 1996
ARCO 100 Best Resumes for Today's Hottest Jobs, 1998
ARCO 7-minute Cover Letters, 2000
ARCO 7-minute Resumes, 2000
ARCO Art Student's College Guide, The, 1996
ARCO College Application Essays, 1984
ARCO College Applications and Essays, 3rd ed., 1997
ARCO GMAT Supercourse with Computer-Adaptive Tests on Disk, 6th ed., 1997 (1)
ARCO GMAT-CAT Answers to the Real Essay Questions, 2nd ed., 2000
ARCO GRE Super Course, 4th ed., 1999
ARCO GRE, 5th ed., 1994 (2)
ARCO Getting into Graduate Business School Today, 1996
ARCO Getting into Law School Today, 3-rd., 1998
ARCO Getting into Medical School Today, 4-th ed., 1998
ARCO How to Write Research Papers, 2nd ed., 1998
ARCO How to Write Short Stories, 3rd ed., 1998
ARCO How to Write Themes and Essays, 3rd ed., 1998
ARCO How to Write a Thesis, 4th ed., 1998 (2)
ARCO MCAT Sample Exams, 2002
ARCO Master TOEFL CBT, 2002 (1)
ARCO Master the GMAT CAT, 2001 (3), 2002 (1)
ARCO Master the GRE CAT, 2001 (2)
ARCO Master the SAT, 2001
ARCO Master the TOEFL Test, 2001 (2); 2001 (2) + 2 tapes
ARCO Perfect Personal Statements. Law. Business. Medical. Graduate School. 1996 (2)
ARCO Performing Arts Major's College Guide, The, 1992
ARCO Reading and Vocabulary Workbook for the TOEFL Exam, 2001
ARCO SAT Math Workbook, 5th ed., 1998
ARCO SAT Verbal Workbook, 6th ed., 1997 (1)
ARCO TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language, 5th ed., 1991 (1) + 2 tapes
ARCO Teach Yourself the GRE Test in 30 days, 1999 (1)
ARCO Teach Youself the TOEFL in 24 Hours, 2000 (1)
ARCO The Best College Admission Essays, 1997 (2)
ARCO The Homeschooler's Guide to Portfolios and Transcripts, 2000
ARCO Top Business Schools, The Ultimate Guide, 1990
ARCO's TOEFL Super Course, 2nd ed., 1993 (2) + 2 tapes
ARCO: Everything You Need to Score High TOEFL Grammar Workbook, 3rd ed., 1998 (1)
ARCO: Graduate Record Examination General Test, 3rd ed., 1990 (1)
ARCO: TOEFL Skills for Top Scores, 1989 (1)
ARCO: TOEFL reading and Vocabulary Workbook, 2nd ed., 1992 (2)
ARCO: Test of English as a Foreign Language, 4th ed., 1987 (1)
ASA Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology, 2002
ASEE 1995-96 Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges, 1997
ASEE 1996-1997 Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges, 1998 (2)
ASEE'S 1994-1995 Directory of Engineering Graduate Studies and Research, 1994
Academic Year Abroad, 27th ed., 1997
Accent of Success, A Practical Guide for International Students, 2001
Accredited Institutions of Postsecondaary Education, 2001-02
Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education Programs Candidates, 1999-2000
Advisory List of International Educational Travel & Exchange Programs, 2000-01
Advisory List of International Travel and Exchange Programs, 1990
Allied Health Education Directory, 23rd ed., 1995-1996 (2)
America's Best Colleges, 1991
American Art Directory, 56th ed., 1997-1998
American Association of Intensive English Programs - Member Profile, 1997-1998
American Association of Intensive English Programs - Member Profile, 1999-2000
American Immigration, 1998 (In Russian)
American Mathematical Society Catalog, 1996
American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in the United States, 1988
American and Canadian Boarding Schools and Worldwide Enrichment Programs, 2001
American and Canadian Boarding Schools and Worldwide Enrichment Programs, 2002
Annual Register of Grant Support, 25th ed., 1991
Art of Coming Home, The, 2001
Art of Crossing Cultures, The, 2-nd ed., 2001
Atlas of American Higher Education, The, 1993
Aviation Careers: The Sky's the Limit, 1998
Barron's Best Buys in College Education, 2nd ed., 1992
Barron's Better Resumes for College Graduates, 1985
Barron's Designing the Perfect Resume, 2-nd ed., 2000
Barron's Essays That will Get You into Business School, 1998
Barron's Essays that Will Get You into Law School, 1998
Barron's Essays that Will Get You into Medical School, 1998
Barron's Essential Words for the TOEFL, 2nd ed., 1999
Barron's Guide to Law Schools, 9-th ed., 1990
Barron's Guide to Medical and Dental Schools, 8-th ed., 1997
Barron's How to Prepare For the TOEFL, 2001 (2)
Barron's How to Prepare for the ACT, 7th ed., 1988 (1)
Barron's How to Prepare for the Computer-Based TOEFL Essay, 2000
Barron's How to Prepare for the GRE General, 10th ed., 1992 (1)
Barron's How to Prepare for the GRE General, 7th ed., 1985 (1)
Barron's How to Prepare for the GRE Test, 14th ed., 2000 (2)
Barron's How to Prepare for the Graduate Management Admission Test, 11th ed., 1998 (2)
Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT, 12th ed., 1984 (1)
Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL Test, *th ed., 1996 (1) + 3 tapes
Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL, 6th ed., 1989 (1), 1989 (1) + 2 tapes
Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL, 7th ed., 1994 (1) + 2 tapes
Barron's Pass Key to the LSAT, 1993 (1)
Barron's Pass Key to the TOEFL, 2nd ed., 1996 (2) + 1 tape
Barron's Pass Key to the TOEFL, 3rd ed., 1999 (1)
Barron's Profiles of American Colleges, 18th ed., 1991
Barron's SAT II, Biology, 11th ed., 1994 (1)
Barron's SAT II, Mathematics, Level I, 6th ed., 1994 (2)
Barron's SAT II, Mathematics, Level IIC, 5th ed., 1994 (2)
Barron's SAT II, Physics, 6th ed., 1994 (2)
Barron's Students' #1 Choice, How to Prepare for the GRE, 11th ed., 1994 (2)
Barron's Top 50, 2nd ed., 1993
Barron's. How to Prepare for the TOEFL, 9th ed., 1999 (1)
Barron's: Practice Exercises for the TOEFL Test, 3rd ed., 1995 (2) + 2 tapes
Basic F-1. Procedures for Beginners, 1998
Bear's Guide to Earning College Degrees Nontraditionally, 12th ed., 1995
Best Test Preparation for the GMAT,The, 1995 (1)
Best Test Preparation for the TOEFL, The, 1994 (1)
Best Test Preparation for the TOEFL, the, 1998 (1)
Best Test Preparation for the United States Medical Licensing Examination, The, Step 1, 1998 (1)
Best Test Preparation for the United States Medical Licensing Examination, The, Step 2, 1999 (1)
Beyond the Ivy Wall
Bibliography of Suggested Reference and Orientation Materials, 1990
Boarding School Directory, 1999-2000
Boarding Schools Directory 1997-1998
Bricker's International Directory, University-Based Executive Development Programs, 1998
Bricker's International Directory: University-Based Executive Programs, Vol. 1, 1992
Bricker's International Directory: University-Based Executive Programs, Vol. 2, 1992
Bricker's International Directory: University Executive Programs, 1989
Bridge to College Success. Intensive Academic Preparation for Advanced Students, 1991
Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools, 5th ed., 1997
Careers Using Languages, 8-th ed., 1998
Cass and Birnbaum's Guide to American Colleges, 16th ed., 1994
Catalog of Research Opportunities in US Government Laboratories, 1994-1995
Central Missouri State University International Student and Scholar Handbook, 1993
Choosing School from Afar, 1986
Choosing a Career in Business, 1984
Cliffs GMAT Preparation Guide, 6th ed., 1994 (1)
Cliffs GRE Preparation Guide, 1986 (1)
Cliffs LSAT Preparation Guide, 1993 (1)
Cliffs SAT Preparation Guide, 1982 (1)
Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide, 5th ed., 1995 (1) + 2 tapes
Cliffs Test of English as a Foreign Language Preparation Guide, 1986 (1), 1986 (1) + 1 tape
College Admission Data Handbook, West Region, 1993
College Admissions Index of Majors and Sports, 1993-1994
College Board 10 Real SATs, 2000
College Board College Handbook, 2002
College Board College Handbook, 37th ed., 2000 (3)
College Board College Handbook, 38th ed., 2001 (2)
College Board Guide to 150 Popular College Majors, 1992
College Board Index of Majors and Graduate Degrees, 21st ed., 1999
College Board Index of Majors and Graduate Degrees, 22nd ed., 2000 (2)
College Board International Student Handbook of U.S.Colleges, 12th ed., 1999
College Board International Student Handbook, 13th ed., 2000 (2)
College Board International Student Handbook, 14th ed., 2001
College Board International Student Handbook, 15th ed., 2002 (2)
College Board Real SAT II: Subject Tests, 1999-2000 (1)
College Board The Official Guide to SAT II: Subject Tests, 1994 (1)
College Board: Five SAT's, 1992 (1)
College Board: Ten SAT's rlus Advice from the College Board on How to Prepare for Them, 4th ed., 1990 (1)
College Cost Book, The, 1993
College Degrees by Mail, 1997
College Handbook Foreign Student Supplement, The, 1996
College Handbook for Transfer Students, The, 2-nd ed., 1992
College.edu On-line Resources for the Cyber-Savvy Student, 1998
College: The Undergraduate Experience in America, 1988
Collegeg Board Index of Majors and Graduate Degrees, 23rd ed., 2001 (2)
Collegiate Aviation Directory: A Guide to College Level Aviation/Aerospace Study, 2nd ed., 1989 (2)
Comparative Guide to American Colleges for Students, Parents, and Counselors, 15th ed., 1991
Complete Guide to American Film Schools and Cinema and Television Courses,
Complete Guide to Graduate School Admission, Psychology, Counseling, and Related Professions, 2000
Computing Sciences Accredidation Board (Annual Report), 1996
Continental Responsibility, European and International Support for Higher Education and Research in East Central Europe, 1994
Cooperating with a University in the United States, 1997 (3)
Culturally Speaking. Conversation and Culture Text, A, 2-nd ed., 1994
Curricula 1998 in the Atmospheric, Oceanic, Hydrologic, and Related Sciences, Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada
Dan Cassidy's Worldwide Graduate Scholarship Directory, 4th ed., 1995
Daring to be Different: The Choice of Nonconventional Fields of Study by International Woman Students, 1991
Description of the Revised GRE Music Test, A, 1989 (3)
Digest of Education Statistics, 1993
Directory of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology, 1998
Directory of College Cooperative Education Programs, 1996
Directory of College Facilities and Services for People with Disabilities, 4th ed., 1996
Directory of College and University Administrator, 2001
Directory of Engineering and Engineering Technology Undergraduate Programs, 1993
Directory of Engineering and Engineering Technology Undergraduate Programs, 1994
Directory of Financial Aid for Women, 1991
Directory of Funding Sources for Public Administration and University Administration in CEE and Former Soviet Union, 1995
Directory of Funding Sources for Public Administration and University Administration in CEE and the Former Soviet Union, 1995 (Russia)
Directory of Interior Design Programs, 1997
Directory of International Grants and Fellowships in the Health Sciences, 1991
Directory of International Grants and Fellowships in the Health Sciences, 1993
Directory of Overseas Educational Advising Centers, 2000 (2)
Directory of Professional Preparation Programs in TESOL in the United States 1989-1991
Directory of Professional Preparation Programs in TESOL in the United States and Canada, 1999-2001 (2)
Directory of Research Grants, 19th ed., 1994
Directory of Resources for International Cultural and Educational Exchanges, 1992
Directory of Resources for International Cultural and Educational Exchanges, 1996 (2)
Directory of Transportation Education: College Level, 2-nd ed., 1995
Directory of U.S. Resources on the Rule of Law for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, 1992
Diversity, Accessibility and Quality - A Brief Introduction to American Education for Non-Americans, 1987
Do-It Write. How to Prepare a Great College Application, 2002-03
Doctor of Philosophy Degree, The, 1990
Dubrovin's Russian-English Dictionary, 1997
Dynamic Cover Letters, 1990
ECIS Higher Education Directory, The, 2002
ELS U.S. University and Career School Guidebook, 1998 (2)
ELS U.S. University and Career School Guidebook. English Proficiency Requirements. Institutional Profiles, 2000-01
Economist's View of the World Government, Markets, and Public Policy, The, 1991
Education for the Earth, College Guide for Careers in the Environment, The, 2-nd ed., 1995
Education for the Earth, Guide to Top Environmental Studies Programs, 1993
Educator's Desk Reference: A Sourcebook of educational information and research, The, 1989
Electronic University, The, Guide to Distance Learning, A, 1993
English Language and Orientation Programs in the United States, 1997
English-Russian Dictionary, 1997
English-Russian Dictionary, 2000
English-Russian Dictionary, 2001
Entering Higher Education in the United States, 1989
European Council of International Schools Higher Education Directory, 2000
European Education Yearbook, 1993
Everything You Need to Know Job Hunting, 2001
Executive Education Casebook'99. Management Education at the World's Top Business Schools, 1999
FAA International Answer Book, The, 1997
Facilitating Online Learning, 2000
Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies, 1997-98
Financial Resources for International Study, 2nd ed., 1996 (2)
Foreign Student Education at a Two-Year College, 1994
Foreign Student Factor, The, 1987
Foreign Students' Guide to American Schools, Colleges and Universities, 10th ed., 1994-1995
Foreign Teaching Assistants in U.S. Universities, 1984
Foundation Grants to Individuals, 9th ed., 1995
Fulbright Scholar Program, 1998-99, Grants for U.S. Faculty and Professionals, USIS
Fulbright and Related Grants of Graduate Study and Research Abroad, 1996-97
Funding for Civil Society. A Guide to U.S. Grantmakers Giving in Central/Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States, 1998
Funding for U.S. Study: A Guide for Foreign Nationals, 1992
Funding for United States Study, A guide for International Students and Professionals, 2nd ed., 1998 (2)
GRE Practicing to Take the Biology Test, 3rd ed., 1995 (1)
GRE Practicing to Take the Computer Science Test, 3rd ed., 1997 (1)
GRE Subject Tests Descriptive Booklet, 1989 (1)
GRE Success, 1998 (1)
GRE. Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Biology Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Chemistry Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Computer Science Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Literature in English Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Mathematics Test (Rescaled). Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Physics Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
GRE. Practicing to Take the Physics Test, 3-rd ed., 1997 (4)
GRE. Psychology Test. Practice Book. Copyright (c) 2001
Getting Funding: A Complete Guide to Proposal Writing, 3rd ed., 1988
Getting What You Came for, 1992
Getting in, Step by Step Plan for Gaining to Graduate School in Psychology, A, 1997
Getting into a Residency. A Guide for Medical Students, 4-th ed., 1996
Graduate Admissions Essays - What Works, What Doesn't, and Why, 1991
Graduate Medical Education Directory, 1999-2000
Graduate Record Examination: General Test, 1992 (1)
Graduate Scholarship Book, The, 2nd ed., 1990
Graduate School and You, A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, 1989
Graduate Study in Psychology, 2002
Graduate Study in Psychology, American Psychological Association, 33-rd ed., 2000
Grammar Review for the TOEFL, 1982 (1)
Grant Proposal Guide, 1997
Grants for Faculty and Professionals, 1996-97, Fulbright Scholar Program
Grants for Research and Education in Science and Engineering, 1992
Grants, Fellowships, and Prizes of Interest to Historians, 1990-1991 (2)
Great Financial and Economic Dictionary, 2000
Great Writings in Management and Organizational Behavior, The, 2nd ed., 1987
Guide to American Educational Directories, 1994
Guide to American Schools, Colleges & Universities, 2001-02 (2)
Guide to American Schools, Colleges and Universities, 2000-2001
Guide to American Studies Resources, 1994
Guide to Arts Administration Training and Research, 1997-1999
Guide to College Courses in Film and Television, 1978
Guide to College Programs in Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism, A, 6-th ed., 1999 (2)
Guide to Distance Learning Programs in the USA, 2000
Guide to Doctoral Programs in Business and Management, 1992
Guide to External Degree Programs in the United States, 2nd ed., 1983
Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology, 1989
Guide to Graduate Education in Public Affairs and Public Administration, The, 1997-1999 (2)
Guide to Graduate Education in Urban and Regional Planning, 5th ed., 1986
Guide to Graduate Engineering and Computer Science Programs in the USA, 2000
Guide to Graduate Management Programs in the USA, 1999
Guide to Graduate Management Programs in the USA, 2000
Guide to Graduate Study in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Public Administration, and Doctoral Programs in Business Administration in the United States and Canada, 8th ed., 1989
Guide to Grants and Fellowships in Linguistics, 1994-1996
Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility, 1991
Guide to Proposal Writing, 1993
Guide to Undergraduate Business Programs in the USA, 2000
Guide to Undergraduate Business programs in the USA, 1999
Guide to Undergraduate Engineering and Technology Programs in the USA, 1999
Guide to Undergraduate Engineering and Technology Programs in the USA, 2000
Handbook for Foreign Students Considering a Higher Education in the United States, A, 1989
Handbook for the Study of the United States, 1989
Handbook of Private Accredited Career Colleges and Schools - Independent Colleges and Schools, 1992
Handbook of Private Accredited Career Colleges and Schools - Trade and Technical Schools, 1992
Handbook of Private Schools, The, 75th ed., 1994
Heinle and Heinle TOEFL Test Assistant: Test of Written English (TWE), The, 1994 (1)
High Impact Resumes and Letters, 7TH ED., 1998 (2)
Higher Education Directory, 2000
Higher Education Directory, 2002
Hispanic Yearbook, 1995
How Public Organizations Work, 1990
How to Apply to American Colleges and Universities: The Complete Manual for Applying to Undergraduate and Graduate Schools in the United States, 1992 (2)
How to Become a U.S. Citizen, 2000
How to Choose a Career and Graduate School. Kaplan Newsweek, 1999 (5)
How to Get a College Degree Via the Internet, 1998 (3)
How to Get into Business, Medicine or Law Graduate School, 1998
How to Get to American Universities, 1999 (2)
How to Go to America, to Learn, to Work and to Survive There, 1996 (Russian)
How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae, 1995
How to Prepare for the GMAT, 3rd ed., 1993 (1)
How to Prepare for the SAT II: Chemistry, 5th ed., 1994 (2)
How to Prepare for the SAT II: Math Level 1C, 2000
How to Prepare for the SAT II: Spanish, 7th ed., 1994 (2)
How to Prepare for the SAT II: Writing, 1994 (1)
How to Prepare for the TOEFL, 3rd ed., 1987 (1)
How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School, 3rd ed., 1997 (4)
How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional Schools, 1989 (3)
If You Want to Study in the United States - General Information, 1986
If You Want to Study in the United States - Graduate Studies, 1986
If You Want to Study in the United States - Predeparture Orientation, 1987
If You Want to Study in the United States - Scholars and Professionals, 1986
If You Want to Study in the United States - Technical and Vocational Schools, 1986
If You Want to Study in the United States: Undergraduate Studies, 1986
Independent Study Catalog, The, 5th ed., 1992
Inside the Law Schools, A Guide by Students for Students, 1991
Inside the Law Schools, 6th ed., 1993
Insider's Guide to Film Schools, Film School Confidential, 1997
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counceling Psychology, 2002-2003
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psycholo]y, 2000-2001
Institutions and Individuals in International Educational Exchange, 1995-96 NAFSA Directory, 1995 (2)
Intensive English, USA, 2000
International Baccalaureate Schools in Canada and the United States, 1985
International Casebook, Opportunities with the World's Top Business Schools. Profiling MBA Programs
International Exchange Locator. A Resource Directory for Educational and Cultural Exchange, 1998
International Exchange Locator. Guide to U.S. Organizations, Federal Agencies, and Congressional Committees Active in Internatioal Educational Exchange, A, 1994
International Exchange Locator. Resource Directory for Educational and Cultural Exchange, A, 2000 (3)
International Foundation Directory, The, 8th ed., 1998
International Foundation Directory, The, 9th ed., 2000
International Guide to English Language Programs in the USA, 1997
International Guide to English Language Programs in the USA, 1999
International Guide to English Language Programs in the USA, THe, 1998
International Guide to Undergraduate Business Programs in the USA, 1997
International Guide to Undergraduate Business Programs in the USA, The, 1998
International Guide to Undergraduate Engineering Programs in the USA, The, 1997
International Guide to Universities and 4-Year Colleges in the USA, 1999 (2)
International Guide to the English Language Programs in the USA, 2001
International Jobs: Where They Are. How to Get Them, 1984
International Student Guide to the United States of America, 2000-2001
International Student Survival Guide, How to Be a Successful Student at an American University, 1994
International Students Guide to the American University, The, 1991
Internatonal Student Guide to the United States of America, 1997-98
Internet for Dummies, 1997 (Russian Version)
Internship Bible, The, 1996
Interview Kit, The, 1995
Interviews and Appraisals, 20 Golden Rules, 1999
Introducing the New SAT: The College Board's Official Guide, 1993 (1)
Introducting the GRE Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology Test, 1990 (2), 1993 (1)
Introduction to MBA Education, An, 1996
Job Hunting for Dummies, 1998 (Russian version)
Job Interviews for Dummies, 2-nd ed., 2000
Jobs!, What They Are... Where They Are... What They Pay! 3rd ed., 1992
Journalism and Mass Communications Accreditation, 1998-99 (2)
KAPLAN GMAT, Powerful Strategies to Help You Score Higher, 1997-98 (1)
KAPLAN Guide, Getting into Graduate School, 1997-1998
KAPLAN MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) Workbook, 1998
Kak ecologu poluchit' grant blagotvoritel'nogo fonda?, 1992
Kaplan GMAT CAT, 1999-2000 (1)
Kaplan GRE Exam, 2001-2001
Kaplan GRE and GMAT Math Workbook, 1997
Kaplan SAT II Writing, 1998 (1)
Kaplan Source Books: SAT, The Math Workbook, 1994 (1)
Key to Success on the TOEFL, 1989 (1)
LSAT - The Official TriplePrep, Volume 2, 1996 (1)
LSAT - the Official TriplePrep, Volume 1, 1996 (1)
Latitudes and Attitudes. Atlas of American Tastes Trends, Politics, and Passions from Abilene, Texas, to Zanesville, Ohio, An, 1994
Learning English: Where and How, 1989
Learning English: Where and How, 1995
Listening to TOEFL, 3rd ed., 1989 (2) + 3 tapes
Listening to TOEFL, 4th ed., 1992 (2) + 3 tapes
Living in the USA, 5th ed., 1996
Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test, Volume B, 2nd ed., 1996 (1) + 2 tapes
Longman: A-Z of English Grammar and Usage, An, 9th ed., 1999 (1)
Lovejoy's Career and Vocational Guide, 6th ed., 1982
Lovejoy's College Guide, 22th ed., 1993
MBA Casebook'99. Management Degrees at the World's Top Business Schools, 1999
Macmillan Guide to Correspondence Study, The, 5th ed., 1993
Making a Difference College Guide: Education for a Better World, 1993
Medical School Admission Requirements, United States and Canada, 41st ed., 1991-92
Mejdunarodnue organizatsii, fondu i programmu, 1999
Mississippi State University International Student Handbook, 1996
Modern English-Russian Dictionary, 2000 (4)
Modern EnglishiRussian Dictionary, 7th ed., 2000 (5)
NAFSA Grac Tax Pack, 1994
NAFSA Handbook on the Placement of Foreign Graduate Students, 1990
NAFSA Membership Directory, 1997-1998
NAFSA's International Student Handbook, Essential Guide to University Study in the USA, The, 1998
National Association of Schools of Art and Design, 1998
National Association of Schools of Art and Design, 1999
National Business Employment Weekly, Interviewing, The Wall Street Journal, 1994
National Business Employment Weekly, Resumes, The Wall Street Journal, 1994
National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs, The, 1991-1992
National Review College Guide, The. America's Top Liberal Arts Schools, 2nd ed., 1993
National Science Foundation Annual Report, 1992
National Science Foundation, Guide to Programs, 1997
New English-Russian Russian-English Dictionary, 2000
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1992-93.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1994-95
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 14th Edition, Volume A: Natural Sciences, 1993
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 14th Edition, Volume B: Engineering, Business, 1993
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 14th Edition, Volume C: Social Sciences, Education, 1993
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 14th Edition, Volume D: Arts, Humanities, Other Sciences, 1993
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 15th Edition, Volume A: Natural Sciences, 1995
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 15th Edition, Volume B: Engineering, Business, 1995
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 15th Edition, Volume C: Social Sciences, Education, 1995
Official GRE/CGS Directory of Graduate Programs, The. 15th Edition, Volume D: Arts, Humanities, Other Sciences, 1995
Official Guide for GMAT Review, 8th ed., 1996 (1)
Official Guide for GMAT Review, The, 1990-92 (1)
Official Guide for GMAT Review, The, 1992-94 (1)
Official Guide for GMAT Review, The, 7th ed., 1994 (2)
Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools, The, 1992-93
Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools, The, 1996
Official Study Guide for the CGFNS Qualifying Examination, 2nd ed., 1990 (1)
Officical Guide for GMAT Review, The, 9th ed., 1997 (3)
Open Doors, 1987-2001, Report on International Educational Exchange (13)
Optimizing Health Care for Foreign Students in the United States and American Students Abroad, 1989
Oryx Guide to Distance Learning, The, 1994
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995
Oxford Paperback Dictionary, 4th ed., 2000
Parent's Guide and Directory of Independent Schools, 1993-1994
Penguin Practice Book for the TOEFL Test Dictionary, The, 1997 (1)
Penguin Practice Book for the TOEFL Test Section 1 (Listening Comprehension), The, 1996 (1) + ! tape
Penguin Practice Book for the TOEFL Test Section 2 (Structure and Written Expression), The, 1996 (1)
Penguin Practice Book for the TOEFL Test Section 3 (Reading Comprehension), The, 1996 (1)
Peterson'a Game Plan for Getting into Law School, 2000
Peterson's 1991 Summer Employment Directory of the United States, 40th ed., 1991
Peterson's 1998-99 Private Secondary Schools, 19th ed., 1998
Peterson's 1999-2000 Private Secondary Schools, 20th ed., 1999
Peterson's 2000 College Money Handbook, 17th ed., 1999
Peterson's 2000 Guide to Two-Year Colleges, 30th ed., 1999
Peterson's 2000-2001 Competitive Colleges, 2000
Peterson's 2002 Scholarships Grants and Prizes, 6th ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's 2002 Two-Year College, 32nd ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's AP Success Calculus AB/BC, 2001
Peterson's Accounting to Zoology. Graduate Fields Defined, 1987 (2)
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Vol.1, Graduate & Professional Programs: An Overview, 1993
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Vol.2, Graduate Programs in the Humanities & Social Sciences, 1993
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Vol.3, Graduate Programs in the Biological & Agricultural Sciences, 1993
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Vol.4, Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics, 1993
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Vol.5, Graduate Programs in the Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1993
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Vol.6, Graduate Programs in the Business, Education, and Law, 1993
Peterson's Applying to Colleges and Universities in the United States, 2001
Peterson's Applying to Colleges and Universities in the United States, 4th ed., 1989
Peterson's Applying to Colleges and Universities in the United States, 6th ed., 1993
Peterson's Applying to Colleges and Universities in the United States: A Handbook for International Students, 1989
Peterson's College and University Almanac, 2000
Peterson's Colleges and Universities in the USA, 3rd ed., 1998 (2)
Peterson's Colleges with Programs for Learning-Disabled Students, 2nd ed., 1988
Peterson's Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Programs. Only Complete Resource to Graduate Programs in the U.S. and Canada, The, 1999
Peterson's Financing Graduate School, 1993
Peterson's GMAT CAT Success, 2001 (2)
Peterson's GMAT Success, 1999 (2), 2000 (4)
Peterson's GRE CAT Success, 2002 (2)
Peterson's GRE CAT, 2001 (2)
Peterson's GRE Success, 1999 (2), 2000 (1)
Peterson's Game Plan for Getting into Business School, 2000
Peterson's Game Plan for Getting into College, 2000
Peterson's Game Plan for Getting into College, 2000
Peterson's Game Plan for Getting into Graduate School, 2000
Peterson's Game Plan for Getting into Medical School, 2000
Peterson's Game Plan for Getting into Private Schools, 2000
Peterson's Graduate Programs in Business, Education, Health, Information Studeies, Law and Social Work, Book 6, 36th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in Business, Education, Health, Information Studies, Law and Social Work,, Book 6, 35th ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Book 5, 35th ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Book 5, 36th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Biological Sciences, Book 3, 34th ed., 2000 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Biological Sciences, Book 3, 35th ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Biological Sciences, Book 3, 36th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Business, Education, Health, Information Studies, Law and Social Work, Book 6, 34th ed., 2000 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Engineering and Applied Sciences, Book 5, 34th ed., 2000 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Book 2, 34th ed., 2000 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Book 2, 35th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Book 2,36th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment and Natural Resources, Book 4, 34th ed., 2000 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment and Natural Resources, Book 4, 35th ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment and Natural Resources, Book 4, 36th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate Studies in Biology, Health and Agricultural Sciences, 1999
Peterson's Graduate Studies in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Studies, 1998
Peterson's Graduate Studies in Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Environmental Sciences, 1999
Peterson's Graduate and Professional Programs an Overview, Book 1, 36th ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Graduate and Professional Programs: An Overview, Book 1, 35th ed., 2001 (2)
Peterson's Grants for Graduate Study, 1992
Peterson's Grants for Graduate and Postdoctoral Study, 5th ed., 1998 (2)
Peterson's Grants for Post-Doctoral Study, 4th ed., 1995 (2)
Peterson's Guide to Certificate Programs at American Colleges and Universities, 1988
Peterson's Guide to College Visits, 2000
Peterson's Guide to Colleges for Careers in Allied Health, 1996
Peterson's Guide to Colleges for Careers in Business, 1996
Peterson's Guide to Colleges for Careers in Computing, 1996
Peterson's Guide to Colleges for Careers in Teaching, 1996
Peterson's Guide to Distance Learning Programs, 1998
Peterson's Guide to Distance Learning Programs, 2000 (2)
Peterson's Guide to Distance Learning Programs, 2002 (2)
Peterson's Guide to English Language Programs, 2001
Peterson's Guide to Four-Year Colleges, 32nd ed., 2002 (2)
Peterson's Guide to Graduate and Professional Programs: An Overview, Book 1, 34th ed., 2000 (2)
Peterson's Guide to Nursing Programs. Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Education in the U.S. and Canada, 1994
Peterson's Handbook for College Admissions. A Family Guide, 1989
Peterson's Honors Programs, 2nd ed., 1999
Peterson's Independent Study Catalog, The, 7th ed., 1998
Peterson's Inside the LSAT, 1991 (1)
Peterson's International Directory of Summer Opportunities for Kids and Teenagers, 1996
Peterson's International Directory of University-Preparatory Schools in the USA and Canada, 1996
Peterson's Internships 2000, The Largest Source of Internships Available, 20th ed., 1999
Peterson's Internships 2002: Explore Nearly 50,000 Paid and Unpaid Opportunities All Over the World, 22nd ed., 2001
Peterson's Internships: Over 35,000 Opportunities to Get an Edge in Today's Competitive Job Market, 1996
Peterson's Job Hunter's Workbook, 1989
Peterson's Job Opportunities for Business and Liberal Arts Graduates, 8-th ed., 1992
Peterson's Job Opportunities for Engineering, Science, and Computer Graduates, 13-th ed., 1992
Peterson's LSAT Success, 1996 (1)
Peterson's Law Schools. Comprehensive Guide to 181 Accredited U.S. Law Schools, 2000
Peterson's Logic & Reading Review for the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, 1999 (1)
Peterson's MBA Distance Learning Programs, 2000
Peterson's MBA Programs, 2002
Peterson's MBA Programs. Comprehensive Directory of Graduate Business Education at U.S., Canadian, and Select International Business Schools, 1999
Peterson's MBA's Guide to Career Planning, The, 1989
Peterson's National College Databank, 6th ed., 1993
Peterson's Paying Less for College, 12th ed., 1995
Peterson's Professional Degree Programs in the Visual & Performing Arts, 2002
Peterson's Professional Degree Programs in the Visual and Performing Arts, 5th ed., 1999
Peterson's Register of Higher Education, 1998
Peterson's SAT II Success Math IC and IIC, 2001
Peterson's SAT Success, 2001
Peterson's SAT Success, 4th ed., 1994 (2)
Peterson's Scholarships for Study in the USA and Canada, 3rd ed., 1999 (2)
Peterson's Scholarships, Grants and Prizes, 4th ed., 1999
Peterson's Sports Scholarships and College Athletic Programs, 4th ed., 1999
Peterson's Success with Words, 1987 (1)
Peterson's Success with Words, 2nd ed., 1994 (1)
Peterson's Summer Fun. Learning Programs, 1999
Peterson's Summer Fun. Traditional and Specialty Camps, 1999
Peterson's Summer Fun. Travel and International Programs, 1999
Peterson's Summer Opportunities for Kids & Teenagers 2000, 17th ed., 1999
Peterson's Summer Opportunities for Kids and Teenagers 2002, 19th ed., 2001
Peterson's TOEFL Grammar Flash, 1997 (1)
Peterson's TOEFL Grammar Flash, 2001 (1)
Peterson's TOEFL Practice Tests, 1999 (1) + 2 tapes, 2001 (2) + 2 tapes
Peterson's TOEFL Reading Flash, 1997 (1)
Peterson's TOEFL Reading Flash, 2001 (2)
Peterson's TOEFL Success, 2000 (3) + 4 tapes
Peterson's TOEFL Success, 2001 + 4 tapes (6)
Peterson's TOEFL Word Flash, 1997 (1)
Peterson's TOEFL Word Flash, 2001 (1)
Peterson's Top Colleges for Science/ Guide to Leading Four-Year Programs in the Biological, Chemical, Geological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences, A, 1996
Peterson's U.S. and Canadian Medical Schools. Comprehensive Guide to All 159 Accredited Medical Schools, A, 2000 (2)
Peterson's Vocational and Technical Schools East, 4th ed., 1999
Peterson's Vocational and Technical Schools and Programs West, 3rd ed., 1998
Pharmacy School Admission Requirements, 2002-03
Plan Your Career, 20 Golden Rules, 1999
Planning Your Future: Resources on Careers and Higher Education, 1992
Post-Secondary Aviation and Space Education Reference Guide, 1994
Practicing to Take the GRE Biology Test, 1986 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Biology Test, 2nd ed., 1994 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Chemistry Test, 1986 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Chemistry Test, 2nd ed., 1990 (3)
Practicing to Take the GRE Computer Science Test, 1990 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Computer Science Test, 2nd ed., 1992 (3), 1995 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Economics Test, 1986 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Economics Test, 2nd ed., 1991 (1), 1993 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Education Test, 2nd ed., 1989 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Engineering Test, 2nd ed., 1989 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Engineering Test, 3rd ed., 1994 (3)
Practicing to Take the GRE General Test, Big Book, 1995 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE General Test, No.6, 1988 (7)
Practicing to Take the GRE General Test, No.7, 1989 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE General Test, No.8, 1990 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE General Test, No.9, 1992 (6)
Practicing to Take the GRE Geology Test, 1987 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Geology Test, 2nd ed., 1992 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE History Test, 1986 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Literature in English Test, 1990 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Mathematics Test, 1987 (3)
Practicing to Take the GRE Mathematics Test, 2nd ed., 1993 (4)
Practicing to Take the GRE Music Test, 1990 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Music Test, 2nd ed., 1993 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Physics Test, 1986 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Physics Test, 2nd ed., 1992 (2), 1995 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Political Science Test, 1988 (3)
Practicing to Take the GRE Psychology Test, 2nd ed., 1989 (1)
Practicing to Take the GRE Psychology Test, 3rd ed., 1994 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Sociology Test, 1987 (2)
Practicing to Take the GRE Sociology Test, 2nd ed., 1993 (1)
Practicing to Take the General Test, 9th ed., 1994 (6)
Pre-Departure Orientation Handbook: For Foreign Students and Scholars Planning to Study in the United States, 1984
Pre-Departure Orientation Handbook: For Foreign Students and Scholars Planning to Study in the United States, 1988
Princeton Review Best 309 Colleges, The, 1996
Princeton Review Best 331 Colleges, The, 2000
Princeton Review Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools, The, 1998 (2)
Princeton Review Cracking the GMAT, 2nd ed., 1995 (2)
Princeton Review Cracking the GRE CAT, 2000
Princeton Review Cracking the GRE Math Subject Test, 2000
Princeton Review Cracking the GRE, 2002 (2)
Princeton Review Cracking the LSAT, 1997 (1)
Princeton Review Cracking the LSAT, 2000 (1)
Princeton Review Cracking the LSAT, 3rd ed., 1995 (1)
Princeton Review Cracking the SAT II Math, 2001-02
Princeton Review Cracking the SAT II Physics, 2001-2002
Princeton Review Cracking the SAT II: English Subjeck Test, 1999-2000 (2)
Princeton Review Cracking the SAT II: Math Subject Tests, 1999-2000
Princeton Review Cracking the SAT II: Physics Subject Test, 1999-2000
Princeton Review Cracking the SAT and PSAT, 2000
Princeton Review Cracking the TOEFL CBT, 2001 (1)
Princeton Review International Students' Guide to the USA, 1996
Princeton Review, Student Access Guide to the Best Medical Schools, 1996
Princeton Review: 3 Virtual GREs, Form A, 1994 (1)
Princeton Review: Cracking the GRE, 1994 (2), 1999 (1)
Princeton Review: Cracking the System the LSAT, 1990 (1)
Princeton Review: GRE Verbal Workout, 1997 (1)
Private Independent Schools, 45th ed., 1992
Professional Integration: A Guide for Students from the Developing World, 1983
Professionals for Cooperation, 1997 (Russian)
Profiles 1989-1990. Detailed Analyses of the Foreign Student Population
Profiles 1989-90: Detailed Analysis of the Foreign Student Population, 1989
Profiles 1991-1992. Detailed Analyses of the Foreign Student Population, 1993
Public Speaking Made Simple, 1996
Quick Study and Review for the New SAT I, 1994 (1)
Reading Lists for College-Bound Students, 1993
Reading for TOEFL, workbook, 2nd ed., 1991 (2) + 1 tape
Registration and Information Book, LSAT and LSDAS, 1997-98 (1)
Research Centers Directory, Volume 1, 16th ed., 1992
Research Centers Directory, Volume 2, 16th ed., 1992
Research Centers Directory, Volume 2, 24th ed., 1999
Resident Research Associateships Postdoctoral and Senior Research Awards. Opportunities for Research Tenable at the US Environmental Protection Agency, 1996
Resource Guide to Careers in Toxicology, 3rd ed., 1995
Resumes That Knock'em Dead, 1988
Returning to Russia: Career Guide for Russian Graduates of American Universities, 1997
Returning to Russia: Career Guide for Russian Graduates of American Universities, 2-nd ed., 1998
Review of Legal Education in the USA, A, 1991 (2)
Scholarship Book, The, 5th ed., 1996
Scholarships and Grants for Study or Research in USA: A Scholarship Handbook for Foreign Nationals, 3rd ed., 1996 (2)
Selected List of Fellowship Opportunities and Aids to Advanced Education for United States Citizens and Foreign Nationals, A, 1988
Selection and Admission of Foreign Students, 1978
Self-Development Programme Effective Interviews, A. Essential Guide to Thinking and Working Smarter, The, 2001
Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study in History, Art and Science, 1996-97
Specialized Study Options U.S.A., Vol.1: Technical Education, 2nd ed., 1986-1988
Specialized Study Options U.S.A., Vol.2: Professional Development, 2nd ed., 1986-1988
Starting Up Your Own Business, 1991
Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization, 1980
Strategies for Succeeding in U.S. University; A Handbook for Incoming Foreign Students, 1988
Student Guide, Financial Aid from the U.S.Department of Education: Grants, Loans, and Work-Study, The, 1991-92 (2)
Subject Collections, Volume 2, 7th ed., 1993
Successful Interview Skills. How to Present Yourself with Confidence, 2nd ed., 1999
Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication, The, 1998
Summer Session at the School of Cinema-Television, University of Southern California
Summer Sessions at American Universities, 1993
Syracuse University Handbook for International Students, 15 th ed., 1993
TABS 2000-2001 Boarding Schools Directory. Profiles of 281 Boarding Schools, 2000
TOEFL Coding List Alpha/Numeric Indexes * Indicates Main Campus, 1991-92
TOEFL Practice Tests Workbook, Volume 2, 1998 (2) + 2 tapes
TOEFL Practice Tests, 1995 (5) + 1 tape
TOEFL Practice Tests, Vol.1, 1998 (2) + 1 tape
TOEFL Preparation Guide with Optional Essay Section, 4th ed., 1991 (Book 1 and 2)
TOEFL Preparation Kit Workbook, 1998 (4) + 4 tapes
TOEFL Sample Test, 5th ed., 1995 (4) + 1 tape
TOEFL Sample Test, 6th ed., 1996 (1) + 1 tape
TOEFL Strategies with Practice Tests,1994
TOEFL Test Preparation Kit Workbook, 1995 (4) + 2 tapes
Tale of American Innovation, The Community College Story, 1995
Teaching American Students, 2000
Teaching American Students, 2000 (2)
Testbuster for the GRE CAT, 2000 (1)
The Art of Coming Home, 1997
The Gourman Report. A Rating Undergraduate Programs in American and International Universities, 7-th ed., 1989
The Gourman Report. A Rating of Graduate and Professional Programs in American and International Universities, 5-th ed., 1988
The Gourman Report. A Rating of Graduate and Professional Programs in American and International Universities, 7-th ed., 1996
The Gourman Report. A rating of Undergraduate programs in American and International Universities, 9-th ed., 1996
The New SAT in Ten Easy Steps, 2nd ed., 1994 (1)
Tour Book: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, 1994
Tour Book: Arizona, New Mexico, 1995
Tour Book: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, 1995
Tour Book: California, Nevada, 1995
Tour Book: Colorado, Utah, 1995
Tour Book: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, 1995
Tour Book: Florida, 1994
Tour Book: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, 1994
Tour Book: Hawaii, 1993
Tour Book: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, 1995
Tour Book: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, 1995
Tour Book: Kentucky, Tennessee, 1994
Tour Book: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, 1995
Tour Book: Michigan, Wisconsin, 1995
Tour Book: Mid Atlantic (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia), 1995
Tour Book: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, 1995
Tour Book: North/Central Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, 1995
Tour Book: Oregon and Washington, 1995
Tour Book: Texas, 1995
Tour Book: Western Canada and Alaska,1995
U.S. Taxation of International Students and Scholars - A Manual for Advisers and Administrators, 1994
U.S.News and World Report America's Best Colleges, 1998
UCIEP: A Consortium of University and College Intensive English Programs in the USA, 2001 (3)
US. Firms in Russia, 1995
USA Customs and Institutions, The, 3-rd ed., 1997
Ultimate Graduate School Survival Guide, 1996
Ultimate Interview, The, 1991
Understanding TOEFL, 3rd ed., 1989 (3) + 1 tape
United States Medical Licensing Examination, Step 1, 1995 (1)
University and Career School Guidebook, 1997
Vacation Study Abroad, 47th ed., 1997
Vincent/Curtis Educational Regist, The, 54th ed., 1994-1995
What Color Is Your Parachute?, 1989
What Should I Know About ED Grants? 1995
Which Business Qualification? Comprehensive Guide to MBA and Postgraduate Business Courses throughout the World, The, 12th ed., 1994-1995
Winning Edge. The Student-Athlete's Guide to College Sports, 2000-2001
Winning Grants Step by Step, 1995
World Directory of Medical Schools, 6-th ed., 1988 (2)
Writing Your College Application Essay, 1986
Writing a Winning College Application Essay, 1996 (2)
Your First Resume, 2nd ed., 1989
ZONI Language Center, International Student Handbook, 2000
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