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EIC / Guestbook / Г-н

Posted by Azamat Mukanov at 18 Dec, 2001
Good Morning,
how are you?
did you ever asked yourelf how is important education ?

I think that you'd answer, that it's important.

But you know that some students can't pay for that in whole prize.
And you know that they really need help.

My name's Azamat.
I'm 16 yrs. old student.(senior high)
I'm confident, prospective and optimistic student
I Love sports such as: Basketball and baseball

So all I'm asking is the help in finding a sponsor to study at US Colleges
Thank you very much

Posted by useic at 19 Dec, 2001
Dear Azamat:
If you are a good sportsmen, you can try to find a sports scholarship from American College or University.
I recommend you to visit the following web-sites:,,

Posted by Adil at 21 Aug, 2002
Hello, I from Kazakhstan I very well play of volleyball and I am ready to play for your university. I wait for the offers

Posted by Элина at 12 Feb, 2002
привет, Азамат!
я знаю, что такое хотеть учиться , но не иметь на это денег. тоже очень хочу......

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