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Posted by Milla at 17 Sep, 2002
Zdravstvuite! Nedavno prochitala informasiu na vasem saite i menia ona ochen zainteresovala... Na samom dele ia bi ochen xotela uchitsia v US, no problema v tom, chto ia ne znaiu kak ia mogu eto realizovat, s chego nachinat, kak mojno naiti podxodiashiy kolegj, sdat ekzameni i oformit vse dokumenti... V obshem mne ochen nujna pomosh, pojaluista nemogli bi vi mne otevetit i pomoch s sovetom.. Budu ochen blagodarna za liubuiu pomosh.
Zaranee bolshoe spasibo,

Posted by Vodoley at 18 Sep, 2002
Da vse ochen' prosto. Ty sobiraeshsya uchitsya v College (to est' do bakalavra) ili v Graduate School (dlya etogo nado uzhe poluchit' bakalavra)?

Posted by Milla at 18 Sep, 2002
Pregde vsego spasibo bolshoe za otvet!
Kak ia chitala u vas na saite, chto net bolshoi raznisi mejdu college and university?? I posle shkoli idut v college i nelzia srazu idti v universuty, eto pravda? No chto ia bi na samom dele xotela eto pouchitsia v US, pouchit iazik luchshe i t.d...
Pojaluista pomogite mne vo vsem razobratsia, t.e. kak ia mogu osushestvit vse eto, mne ochen nujna pomosh.
Spasibo bolshoe,

Posted by Vodoley at 19 Sep, 2002
Na samom dele, tyazhelo poluchit' finansovuyu pomosh' dlya obucheniya v College. Obychno financial aid v vide razlichnyh assistantships predostavlyaetsya tem, kto uchitsya posle bakalavra, to est' na Graduate Study, prichem v osnovnom dlya tehnicheskih spetsial'nostey. Poetomu skoree vsego tebe pridetsya samoy oplachivat' svoe obuchenie..

Posted by Milla at 20 Sep, 2002
Spasibo za otvet,
znachit dlia obuchenia v college ne predostavliaiut financial aid? I iskliucheniy ne bivaet v zavisimosti ot koledja ili esio chego-to..?
No vseravno ne mogli bi vi mne pomoch razobratsia vo vem, t.e kakoi doljen bit moi perviy shag i est li u vas kontakti i dannie kakix-libo collegey? Doljna li ia snachala sdavat ekzameni? I za kakie sroki vse eto delaetsia? I krome angliyskogo est esio kakie-nibud ekzameni?
I est li u vas sviazi s kakimi-nubud collegami, kotorie vi mogli bi mne posovetovat?

Posted by eic at 23 Sep, 2002
Dear Milla,
There is no difference between college and university in the United States. You can receive the Bachelor's, Master's Degrees and even Ph.D. in the college. If you are a school graduate, you can apply to college or university.
You can find information about financial aid programs here: .
Please, pay your attention to the Freedom Support Act Undergraduate Program. The Freedom Support Act Undergraduate Exchange Program provides tuition and living expenses for Russian undergraduate students in their first, second or third year of study to attend an American university or community college for one year. Fields of study include: Agriculture, American Studies, Business, Computer Science (first year students only), Economics, Education (second and third year students only), Environmental Management, Journalism/Communication, Political Science, and Sociology.
Academic programs are complemented by community service activities, a practical internship and an end-of-year workshop. Applicants are selected through an open competition after meeting age and English proficiency requirements.

Tel: (095) 234-01-44, 956-05-78
Fax: (095) 956-09-77

Anna D.Savelieva,
Advising Assistant,
Moscow EIC

Posted by eic at 23 Sep, 2002
Dear Milla:

On behalf of the Moscow Educational Information Center, I recommend you to visit us or the nearest Regional information Center ( ). Our Center provides General lectures on American education every Tuesday at 14.00 p.m. You can find our Center's address here:
After attending a General Lecture you are invited to have an individual consultation any Wednesday or Thursday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
I also invite you to attend our 9th Annual Educational Information Fair which will take place on September 28 from 12 noon to 6:00 pm at the Aerostar Hotel located at Leningradskyi pr-t, 37, korp. 9 (metro station "Dinamo").
This year the fair will include lectures covering a wide range of topics, including: "If You Want to Study in the United States;" УUS Government Sponsored Exchange Programs;Ф УComputer-Based Testing;Ф and "Studying Business at US Universities."

Anna Savelieva,
Advising Assistant,
Moscow EIC

Posted by Milla at 23 Sep, 2002
Hi, thank you so much for your message and for all information...
By the way I want to ask you if I'd like studying art, are there some art colleges that participate in that program? I mean that I would like to study in Art College and how I can find some one?
Thank you for information I'll be looking forward it...

Posted by Ilia at 19 Nov, 2002
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