An Overview of the Moscow EducationUSA Advising Center
Center belongs to a network of educational advising centers affiliated with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and strives to provide accurate, comprehensive, current, and unbiased information on educational opportunities in the United States.
The Moscow EducationUSA Advising Center (EAC) was established in 1991 to assist talented individuals interested in studying in the United States. At present, the Moscow EAC is the largest and most-attended center in the Eurasia, with more than 41,000 clients served per year.
Center Services and Resources
The center is open 5 days a week, Tuesday through Saturday.
Our working hours are: Tuesday through Thursday 12-7:45 p.m., Friday 10-5:45
p.m., and Saturday 11-5 p.m.
The reading hall of the information center is organized for our readers to use the advising materials on a self-serve basis. The center contains a large collection of reference books and folders of advising handouts. There are four public access computers on which students can use the Internet, conduct CD-ROM searches, use special test preparation programs, and type their application documents.
Regular activities at the Moscow EAC include:
• a general lecture about the US system of education and the application process
• special lectures series on different US education topics
• individual consultations
• outreach activities to disseminate information about the center and study opportunities in the United States throughout Moscow and the surrounding
• pre-departure orientations for students accepted to US universities in early summer
• annual US education fair
See our schedule for details.