2000 Fair Opening Ceremony. Pictured (from left to right): Marina Kulinich,REAC Assistant / Interpreter, John Brown, Cultural Affairs Officer, USEmbassy Moscow, Susan Lockwood, Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer, USEmbassy Moscow, Tracy Dolan, Deputy Director, IREX/ Moscow and Aimee Santimore,Director/ Educational Advisor, Moscow EIC.
Visitors explore the exhibit hall at the 2000 US Education Fair.
All those interested in US education arewelcome to the Annual US Education Fair, sponsored by the US Departmentof State and the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX).
Arvind Vepa, a representative from HuronUniversity USA in London, speaks with a prospective student.
Zlata Sadovskaya from IREX/ Moscow providesa visitor with details about US government sponsored programs for Russianstudents.
A crowd gathers to hear about National University'sprograms from one of their representatives, Ganna Prinster.
Members of the Moscow EIC staff and visitingEducational Advisor from Vladimir, Olga Akimova, answer visitors’ questionsabout study in the US at the Moscow EIC table.
Educational advisors from Voronezh, Grodno(Belarus) and Vladimir help register visitors to the 2000 US EducationFair in Moscow.