Ninth Annual US Education Fair Listing of Participating Universities And Organizations.
• American Center (Moscow, Russia)
• American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS (Moscow, Russia)
• American Institute of Business and Economics in Moscow (Moscow, Russia)
• American University in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
• American University in Paris (Paris, France)
• California State University / Institute of Business and Economics (Hayward, California, USA, and Moscow, Russia)
• Central European University, Open Society Institute, Russia (Budapest, Hungary, and Moscow, Russia)
• Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, USA)
• Education without Borders. STUDY IN Magazine (Moscow, Russia)
• EF Education
• Excelsior College (Albany, New York, USA)
• The Fulbright Program in Russia (Moscow, Russia)
• Huron University USA in London (London, England
• Indiana University at Bloomington (Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
• Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA)
• IREX (Moscow, Russia)
• International University (Moscow, Russia)
• Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa, USA)
• Monterey Institute of International Studies (Monterey, California, USA)
• Moscow University Touro (Moscow, Russia)
• North Park University (Chicago, IL)
• Pericles ABLE Project (Moscow, Russia)
• Schiller International University, Paris Campus
• STAR - Student Travel Agency Russia (Moscow, Russia)
• Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York, USA)
• University of Colorado at Denver/ Department of Foreign Languages at Moscow State University (Denver, Colorado, USA, and Moscow, Russia)
The American Center | [Top] |
Representative: Marisa Fushille, Director
Contact: Nikoloyamskaya Ulitsa, 1
Moscow, Russia 109189
Phone: (095) 777-65-30
Fax: (095) 777-65-34
Web: http://www.amc.ru/
The American Center houses an English-language American library and serves as a public forum for American cultural and educational programs in Moscow. The Center is supported by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
The American Center is open to the public and hosts up to 250 visitors per day. Skilled information specialists provide information about the United States to patrons: students, teachers and other professionals. The Center collection includes over 10,000 books, 85 periodicals and electronic databases. Cultural programs include feature and documentary films, exhibits, and lectures in English. The American Center's calendar of events can be found at www.amc.ru.
American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS | [Top] |
Representatives: Angie Glukhov, Senior Program Officer, Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program; Joel Ericson, Regional Director for the Russian Federation
Contact: Phone: (095) 237 9116 or 956 7805
Web: http://www.actr.ru/
The American Councils is a not-for-profit educational, training, and consulting organization specializing in the countries of Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. American Councils programs include academic exchange, professional training, institution building, research, materials development, technical assistance, and consulting.
Founded in 1974 as the American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR), the American Councils has worked to advance research, training, and materials development in the fields of Russian and English language; strengthen communication within and between the communities of scholars and educators in language, literature, and area studies in the United States and CIS; and further educational reform through education, training, institution building, and technical assistance.
American Institute of Business and Economics in Moscow | [Top] |
Representatives: Art Franczek, President, Kostya Kontor, Director
Contact: Ulitsa Miklukho Maklaya, 23
Moscow, Russia, 117873
Phone: (095) 438-1439, 438-0830
Fax: (095) 438-1439
E-mail: artf@online.ru, aibec@aibec.org
The American Institute of Business and Economics (AIBEc) is an American business school in Moscow preparing Russians for leadership roles in today's competitive international business environment. It offers courses taught in English by highly qualified American professors. AIBEc is the ideal school for the working professional. Since 1989, over 1,000 Russians have attended and are now working in the Moscow area, in both multinational companies and Russian companies. Over 85 of AIBEc's graduates have gone on to study abroad at Harvard, Wharton, Chicago, INSEAD and other top business schools. Flexible evening programs are available for a full American MBA or business certificates. Alternatively, there are individual courses in such subjects as accounting, finance and marketing. Many of AIBEc's courses provide a comparison between Western and Russian business practices i.e. taxation, accounting, economics and others. AIBEc also offers courses that include the most current business practices such as e-commerce and the internet.
American University in Bulgaria | [Top] |
Representatives: Diane Strommer, Director and Special Assistant to the President; Yordanka Melnikliyska, Director of Admissions
Contact: 1 G.Izmirliev Sq., Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria
E-mail: DStrommer@aubg.bg
Phone: (359-73) 88224
Fax: (359-73) 80174
Website: http://www.aubg.bg/
Accredited in the US and Bulgaria, the American University in Bulgaria is similar to a selective, private, residential, US university--but far less expensive. Class are small, instruction is in English, and the outstanding faculty are American or Western-educated. The student body of 750 is international, coming from 24 countries. The ten majors--American studies, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, English, European Studies, History, Journalism/Mass Communications, Mathematics, or Political Science/International Relations-build on a liberal arts foundation. Up-to-date computer labs provide free internet access in the residence halls and academic building and a library of 100,000 volumes, information databases, and other resources for research support classroom learning. The new living/learning residences offer a wide variety of student-initiated and student-run sports, clubs, and activities.
The American University of Paris | [Top] |
Representatives: Randy Vener, Senior Admissions Counselor / Financial Aid; Peter Hammer, Senior Admissions Counselor
Contact: 6 rue du Colonel Combes, Paris, 75007, France
Phone: 33 1 40 62 07 23
Fax: 33 1 47 05 34 32
E-mail: hammer@aup.edu
Web: http://www.aup.edu/
The American University of Paris (AUP) was founded in 1962 to provide high quality American undergraduate liberal arts education to students from all national, linguistic and educational backgrounds. AUP also serves the Parisian community through continuing education courses and public lecture events. The language of instruction is English. Situated in one of the world's great cultural centers, AUP offers its degree-seeking students, as well as visitors from other colleges, an education based on understanding of and sensitivity to diverse cultures. The University's Bachelor degrees conform to American Higher education standards and its courses carry academic credit according to the American system.
California State University, Hayward and Institute of Business and Economics, Moscow | [Top] |
Representatives: Gary L. Wishniewsky, Coordinator, Moscow MBA Program; CSUH Svetlana Avrutskaya, Program Manager, Moscow MBA Program, IBE
Contact For information in Moscow: ibe@ibe.ru
Phone: (095) 433-2508
Website: http://www.ibe.ru/
For undergraduate or graduate studies in California contact the Center for International Education: cie@csuhayward.edu
Website: http://www.extension.csuhayward.edu/cie/
For the American Language Program in California http://www.csuhayward.edu/ALP/
California State University, Hayward, offers graduate studies in Business Economics, Finance and Marketing in Moscow and undergraduate, graduate and English language studies in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Moscow MBA is offered in partnership with the Institute of Business and Economics, and is fully accredited in the United States. Qualified Russian students study a two-year American MBA curriculum taught by Russian and American professors. English language proficiency is required. Convenient evening courses enable middle and senior managers to integrate modern management practices into their daily work responsibilities. The Moscow program was established at the Academy of National Economy in 1993 and is the first accredited American MBA to be offered in the Russian Federation. To date over 480 Russian managers have successfully completed the program, and another 220 are currently enrolled. The Moscow MBA has been ranked the Number One MBA Program in Russia by Kariera Magazine since 1998.
Central European University, Open Society Institute - Russia | [Top] |
Representatives: Marina Batalina, Director of International Educational Programs, Natalia Ushakova, Senior Coordinator of International Educational Program
Contact: CEU Admissions Office, Nador u. 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (36-1) 327-3009, 327-3272, Fax: (36-1) 327-3211
Email: admissions@ceu.hu, Web: http://www.ceu.hu/
Open Society Institute-Russia, Ozerkovskaya nab. 8, Moscow 113184, Russia
Phone: (7 095) 787-88-11, Fax: (7 095) 787-88-22
E-mail: ceumos@osi.ru
Web: http://www.osi.ru/
Central European University (CEU) is an internationally recognized institution of post-graduate education in social sciences and humanities. It serves as an advanced center of research and policy analysis and facilitates academic dialogue while preparing its graduates to serve as the region's next generation of leaders and scholars. CEU seeks to contribute to the development of open societies in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union by promoting a system of education in which ideas are creatively, critically, and comparatively examined.
Dartmouth College | [Top] |
Representative: Leonid Vindman, Alumnus
Contact: 6016 McNutt Hall, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: (603) 646-2875
Fax: (603) 646-1216
E-mail: adm.enrollment@dartmouth.eduWeb: http://www.dartmouth.edu/
Founded in 1769, Dartmouth is the ninth oldest university in the United States and a member of the Ivy League. Located in a small, picturesque New England town of Hanover in New Hampshire, it is only a few hours away from New York and Boston. The student body of 4,250 undergraduates represent every state of the U.S. and over 62 nations around the world. Dartmouth's resources focus on undergraduate education offers 1,350 courses in 28 departments and 45 standard majors taught by 339 top-notch faculty who are among the leaders in their fields. In addition, Dartmouth includes graduate programs in thirteen disciplines, as well as graduate schools in Medicine, Business Administration and Engineering. Dartmouth students are academically-oriented individuals of outstanding abilities who combine a breadth of cultures, traditions, and ideas creating a campus that is alive with ongoing debate and exploration. Admissions decisions are made without regard to the financial circumstances of the applicants and Dartmouth is committed to providing students with the financial support necessary to enable their attendance.
"Education without Borders. STUDY IN" magazine | [Top] |
Representatives: Natalia Bourakova, Director of Marketing Department Andrey Buhovtsev, Editor in Chief
Contact: P.O. Box 46, 117036, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: marketing@studyIN.ru
Phone: (095) 718-0888, 718-0979
Fax: (095)129-3136
Website: http://www.studyIN.ru/
"EDUCATION-SERVICE" Publishing House presents "Education without borders. STUDY IN" magazine - a full colour monthly edition devoted to education in Russia and abroad. The magazine publishes educational news, analytical articles for the right choice of profession and University program, profiles of foreign Institutes and schools, hot ratings; advises on language courses and new educational programs choice all over the world.
Experts' advice, specialists' opinions which are published in the magazine, articles about personal experiences of those, who attended lessons in foreign schools and Universities, make "Education without borders. STUDY IN" magazine a real helper in choosing educational programs and enable to create a good foundation for career making.
The magazine is published in cooperation with the UNESCO Institute of Information Technologies in Education.
EF Education | [Top] |
Representatives: Tatiana Skoblikova, Country Product Manager/Cultural Care Au Pair; Olga Schipkova, Manager/ EF University Placement Services
Contact: 1st Brestskaya Ulitsa, 15, 5th floor
125047, Moscow, Russia
Tel: (095) 937 3888
Fax: (095) 937 3877
E-mail: education.russia@ef.comWebsite: http://www.ef.com/
Cultural Care Au Pair is a one-year cultural exchange program in the USA. The participants live in American host families taking care of children, study in an accredited American university, and receive a monthly stipend. EF University Placement Services aims to help international students enroll in American universities. EF Foundation Year is a nine-month university preparation course. EF Academic Year Abroad provides a six- to nine-month program of language and academic studies and internships for young adults. EF MBE (Master of Business English) is a six- to nine-month course that combines English studies with a specialized business curriculum. EF International Language Schools offer short-term language courses abroad for adults over 16, internships, and preparation courses for TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate, DELF/DALF, etc.
Excelsior College | [Top] |
Representative: Sara S. Rzonca, Academic Advisor
Contact: Excelsior College
7 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203-5159
Phone: (888) 647-2388
E-mail: admissions@excelsior.eduWeb: http://www.excelsior.edu/
Excelsior College, founded in 1971, is the largest and oldest accredited virtual college in the nation, with more than 95,000 graduates and 17,000 current students. Based in Albany, N.Y., it is the only institution in the country offering degree programs based exclusively on outcomes-based assessment of learning. A recognized leader in the field of distance education, it is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Excelsior College awards degrees in 30 programs at the associate and baccalaureate levels in business, liberal arts, nursing and technology and master's level degrees in liberal arts and nursing.
The Fulbright Program in Russia | [Top] |
Representative: Joseph McCormick, Director
Contact: ul. Tverskaya 16/2, stroenie 3, ofis 1
Institut Mezhdunarodnogo Obrazovaniya
Moscow, Russia 125009
Phone: (095) 935-83-53
Fax: (095) 937-54-18
e-mail: fulbright@fulbright.amc.ru
Website: http://www.fulbright.amc.ru/
Established by an Act of Congress in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the oldest and best-known academic exchange program funded by the United States government. In Russia our focus is on the arts, humanities and social sciences. We offer grants to Russian senior scholars to conduct research or teach at leading American universities. We provide grants to Russian university graduates to either pursue an M.A. at an American university or to conduct research for a kandidatskaya dissertation. We also arrange placement for American scholars and students at host universities across the Russian Federation. Fulbright grants are awarded annually on the basis of merit and through an open competition process. Further information and application forms can be found on-line at www.fulbright.amc.ru.
Huron University USA in London | [Top] |
Representative: Rob Atkinson, Director of Admissions
Contact: 58 Princes Gate, London, SW7 2PG
Phone: 44(0) 207 584 9696
Fax: 44(0) 207 589 9406
E-mail: atkinson@huron.ac.uk
Web: http://www.huron.ac.uk/
Huron University USA in London is an international American university located in central London, England, since 1975. Fully accredited in the US, UK and Europe, we offer quality 4-year US degrees and 1-year masters programs recognized throughout the world. Currently, we have 300 students from 61 countries and provide a unique international environment. With an average class size of 12 students, we provide high quality education focused on the individual. Huron graduates are highly sought after by employers, and have the skills needed to forge their chosen careers. Our extensive links with industry and business provides our students with the opportunity to undertake internships as part of their degree. Huron offers a wide choice of programs and our flexible approach means that you can combine subjects from different areas to suit your interests and goals.
Indiana University at Bloomington, The School of Public and Environmental Affairs | [Top] |
Representatives: Aslan Kipov, Alumnus
Contact: School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University, 1315 E 10th St.,Room 260
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: 812-855-3774
Fax: 812-855-7802
E-mail: speainfo@indiana.edu
Web: http://www.spea.indiana.edu/
The Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the largest school of public affairs in the United States, was founded in 1972 on the premise that society's complex problems demand comprehensive solutions.
The School's curriculum and research are distinguished by a vigorous interdisciplinary approach to education and problem-solving. In the most recent U.S. News & World Report rankings of graduate and professional programs at American and international schools, SPEA at Indiana University Bloomington is ranked in third position and is the highest-ranked school at a public institution. Equally significant, six of the School's individual programs are ranked in the top 10 listings: environmental policy and management, nonprofit management, public finance and budgeting, public management/administration, information and technology management, and public policy analysis.
The School has nearly 19,000 alumni and enrols approximately 3,400 students in associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs at Indiana University campuses in Bloomington, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Kokomo, South Bend, Gary, and Richmond.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | [Top] |
Representative: Dr. Patrick A. Carone, Director
Contact: 119 Gordon Hall 301 East Walk
Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: (724) 357 22 95
Fax: (724) 357 25 14
Web: http://www.iup.edu/
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, IUP, is located in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Approximately fifty-five miles from Indiana is Pittsburgh, a major metropolitan American city with numerous cultural activities. Pittsburgh is within five hundred miles of more than half the U.S. population. IUP is a coeducational, publicly funded, Doctoral 1 university, and a member of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education with a student population of 14,000 including 624 international students from 83 countries. Academic offerings include more that 100 undergraduate majors, over 40 master's degree programs, and eight programs leading to the doctoral degree. The student/faculty ratio is 19:1.
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) | [Top] |
Representative: Anna Danilina, Deputy Director
Contact: Gazetnyi per. 5, 6 etazh
Moscow, Russia 103918
Phone: (095) 956-0978, 956-0578
E-mail: irexmos@irex.ruWeb: http://www.irex.ru/
IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) is the premier US nonprofit organization specializing in higher education, independent media, Internet development, and civil society programs in the United States, Europe, Eurasia, the Near East, and Asia.
International University, Moscow | [Top] |
Representative: Nadezhda Ivanovna Akimova, Instructor
Contact: Leningradsky Prospect 17, room 213
Moscow, Russia, 125124
Phone: (095) 251-3805
E-mail: Gotov@interun.ruWeb: http://www.interun.ru/
International University was founded in 1991. The President is G.H. Popov, the Rector is G.A. Yagodin. The University faculty are experienced teachers with appropriate academic MA and PhD degrees. The academic program is specifically designed for students who wish to prepare themselves for study at International University; however, it also welcomes students who wish to prepare for the TOEFL and GMAT. The TOEFL preparation course (50-100 hours) provides intensive practice in listening, reading, writing and grammar skills. Students attend classes for 12 hours a week. The GMAT preparation course (50 hours) provides analytical reading, writing, problem solving, data sufficiency, sentence correction and critical reasoning.
Iowa State University | [Top] |
Representative: Dr. Victor Udin, International Programs Director; Sergey Ognerubov, Recruitment Assistant
Contact: E-105 Lagomarcino
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3190, USA
Phone: (515) 294-1010
Fax: (515) 294-0269
E-mail: vaudin@iastate.edu
A commitment to excellence in science, technology and the liberal arts attracts undergraduate and graduate students from all 50 states and 116 other countries to Iowa State University. This year 27,823 students enrolled at Iowa State, including about 4000 graduate students (aspirants). International enrollment this fall totaled 2,572 students from 116 other nations. Iowa State University is one of the so called Big 12 universities and is aspiring to become the nation's best land-grant university. The Gradate College is offering assistantships to international graduate students who excel in biological, life sciences, chemistry, math and physics.
Monterey Institute of International Studies | [Top] |
Representative: Dr. Edward J. Salazar, Member, Board of Visitors, Monterey Institute
Contact: Monterey Institute of International Studies
460 Pierce St.,
Monterey, CA, 93940
Phone: (831) 647-4123
Fax: (831) 647-6624
E-mail: admit@miis.eduWeb: http://www.miis.edu/
The Monterey Institute of International Studies is a small, fully accredited professional school located on the beautiful Monterey Peninsula in Monterey, California. The Institute offers international, practical, language-based training in business (MBA), public administration (MPA), policy studies (MAIPS), environmental policy (MAIEP), commercial diplomacy (MACD), language teaching (MATESOL and MATFL), and translation and interpretation (MAT&I). About 50 percent of the Institute's 700 students are from more than fifty countries other than the United States. The Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), founded at the Institute, has grown to become the world's largest non-governmental organization devoted to curbing the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
Moscow University Touro | [Top] |
Representatives: Svetlana Pavlova, Vice-Rector; James Roberts, Dean
Contact: 20/12 Podsosensky Pereulok
Moscow, Russia, 103062
Phone: (095) 917-4169/4052/3322/3311
Fax: (095) 917-5348
E-mail: admin@touro.ruWeb: http://www.touro.ru/
Moscow University Touro offers students the unique opportunity to obtain an American-accredited business education without leaving Russia. Student study in English with western professors in an environment identical to that of a University in America. Our commitment to excellence in education and our ling experience in bringing an American business education to Russia make Moscow University Touro a unique and exciting place to study.
MUT offers a Bachelor of Science program, four Masters of Business Administration programs and English as a Second Language program. Prospective students and corporate clients are welcome to visit our campus. We'll be happy to show you around.
North Park University | [Top] |
Representatives: Dr. Leona Mirza, Director of the Institute for International and Cultural Studies; Diane Pero, Advisory Board for the Institute for International and Cultural Studies
Contact: 3225 W. Foster Ave. Chicago, IL 60625 USA
Phone: (773) 244 57 31
Fax: (773) 583 08 58
E-mail: lmirza@northpark.edu
Web: http://www.northpark.edu/
North Park University is located in Chicago, Illinois, which is one of the most dynamic and diverse cities in the world, yet its campus has a small-town flavor and warmth. With an enrollment of 2,600 students, North Park offers the advantages of small classes with professors who have a commitment to teaching. North Park offers undergraduate programs in over 30 areas, English as a Second Language, and graduate programs in business, community development, education, nursing, music, as well as having a seminary. North Park is a Christian institution that has a reputation for academic excellence that has been recognized nationally.
Pericles ABLE Project | [Top] |
Representatives: Daniel Repko, Director of Marketing/PR; Marian Dent, Dean of Pericles ABLE Project
Contact: Tverskaya ulitsa, dom 10 suite 319
Moscow, Russia
Phone: (095) 292 -6463, 292 -5188
E-mail: info@pericles.ru
Web: http://www.pericles.ru/
ANO Pericles was founded 6 years ago in Moscow, Russia. In that time we have successfully helped many students enter some of the best b-schools such as, Wharton, INSEAD, LBS, etc... In addition we have worked with many companies in Moscow, such as PWC, White & Case, Baker & McKenzie, etc…, providing them with Legal and Business Education training. In order for our students to get the best preparation and training Pericles hires only qualified Western professors. Besides offering courses in GMAT and TOEFL preparation, Pericles ABLE also offers Legal and Business courses for those who want to enter into Western Law or Business schools, as well as for those who work either in or with Western companies. Some of the courses that we offer on a continuous basis are: GMAT Preparation; TOEFL Preparation; AIBEc Preparation; MBA Advising; Contract Drafting; Legal English; Business English; Legal Writing; Business Writing; and an LL.M. (Masters of Laws) diploma.
Schiller International University, Paris Campus | [Top] |
Representatives: Francisco Cortes-Vieco, Marketing Manager; Emilia Chervinskaya, Managing Director, LANCO-ELF Moscow, Russia
Contact: 32, Bd. Vaugirard F-75015 Paris
Phone: 33 (0) 1 45 38 56 01
Fax: 33 (0) 1 45 38 54 30
E-mail: info@schillerparis.comWeb: http://www.schillerparis.com/ or http://www.schiller.edu/
Since 1964, Schiller International University, an accredited American private university, encourages individuals to pursue their studies with an international approach.
B.A. & M.A. in International Relations-Diplomacy B.B.A. & M.B.A. in International Business
1 Full, part-time and executive programs
1 Language of instruction: English
1 Entry in January, May & September
Students can transfer to our campuses in Germany, Spain, Switzerland, England and Florida/US. There, we offer additional programs in Hotel Management, Tourism, Management, Economics, Computer Science etc.
For more information: contact Mr. Cortes or our Moscow Representative LANCO-ELF leadered@online.ru, 095-283 0810
STAR Travel - Student Travel Agency Russia | [Top] |
Representatives: Gurevich Elizaveta, Work Programs Coordinator; Alexei Golovlev, Travel Consultant
Contact: Baltiyskaya Ulitsa, 9, 3rd floor
Moscow, Russia, 125178
Phone: (095) 797-9555 tickets, (095) 788-0777 work programs
Fax: (095) 797-9554
E-mail: help@startravel.ruWeb: http://www.startravel.ru/
STAR Travel has been a representative of STA Travel in Russia since 1996. Our company is specializing in youth and student travel services including exclusive flight deals on most of the major airlines, with prices being upon special contracts and offering unrivaled flexibility. Student IDs (ISICs), youth cards GO25 and ITICs for teachers are available from STAR Travel as well as booking of Youth Hostels world-wide. We also offer work programs for students abroad. The programs are designed to provide students with an opportunity to work and travel in the USA, to do a practical work in their field of study and gain work experience in hotels in the UK if their major is tourism and hospitality.
Syracuse University, The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs | [Top] |
Representatives: Alexander Livshin, Associate Professor of SPA MSU; Anna Kashirova, Assistant Professor of SPA MSU; Sergei Parkhomenko, Graduate Student and Faculty SPA MSU, MPA'02 of Maxwell School; Dmitry Platygin, Graduate Student and Faculty SPA MSU, MPA'02 of Maxwell School
Contact: International Relations Program - 225 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244-1090
Phone: (315) 443 9399
Fax: (315) 443 9204
E-mail: dphillip@syr.eduWeb: http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/ir/irmain.htm
The Maxwell School offers professional graduate degrees in international relations, public administration, and executive education. The School is also home to the social sciences, and offers doctoral degrees in eight fields. Professional degree graduate students will master the rigors of policy analysis and decision-making, integrating theoretical and practical knowledge. Students also have the option of receiving a dual degree in public administration and international relations, which offers students maximum preparation for careers valuing analytic and public management skills combined with global expertise. Students may do concurrent degrees with other Maxwell disciplines as well as law, information technology, or any of the other degrees offered at Syracuse University. The Maxwell School offers a variety of academic choices for undergraduate students as well. Undergraduate degrees are offered in anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, political science, social science, sociology and public affairs.
University of Colorado at Denver /Department of Foreign Languages at Moscow State University | [Top] |
Representatives: Kirill Bukin, Deputy Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages, MSU, Mira B. Bergelson, Director of the UCD Program
Contact: Department of Foreign Languages at MSU,
Lomonosovsky Prospect, 31/1, Moscow, Russia, 117192
Phone: (095) 932-9916
Fax: (095) 932-9916
E-mail: kbukin@ffl.msu.ru
The University of Colorado at Denver (UCD) and the Department of Foreign Languages at Moscow State University (MSU) offer an undergraduate educational program, founded in 1993 under the auspices of the Agreement on academic cooperation between MSU and UCD. A year later it was accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. All courses of the UCD program are delivered in English by professors of MSU and UCD. These courses correspond to courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on the Denver campus of UCD. Each course is designed to give students a foundation in a broad variety of disciplines: anthropology, arts, modern languages, computers, etc. As students progress, they move more intensively into the area of specialization: upon successful completion of the four-year program students are awarded one of three qualifications: BA in Economics, BA in Communications, BA in International Affairs.