If your university is not able to send a representative to the Ninth Annual US Education Fair in Moscow, there is still an opportunity to reach the 2,000 Russian students expected to attend the fair. All accredited US universities and educational organizations are invited to submit advertisements to be included in the Fair Program. The program will be distributed to all fair attendees free of charge. Programs will also be made available to the 54,000 annual visitors of the Moscow Education Information Center.
Advertisements will be one-color (black ink plus a color to be determined). There is limited space for full-page/full-color advertisements on the front and back inside covers and the back cover of the program. Full-color ads are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Full-page/Full-color | $700.00 |
Full-page (180 x 250) | $500.00 |
Half-page horizontal (180 x 122) | $250.00 |
Quarter page (87 x 122) | $125.00 |
Logos are accepted for an additional $25.00 fee.
How to Advertise with Us:
Please fill out the one-page Request for Advertisement form and return electronically or by fax to Natalia Rozanova, fax 7(095) 777-6534 or Rebecca Bell, fax (202) 628-8189. All requests must be received by September 3rd, 2002.
A payment invoice will be forwarded to the billing contact provided below. Payments may be made by check or wire to the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) in Washington, D.C.
Send the prepared advertisement as an attachment by e-mail to natasha@useic.ru and rbell@irex.org. Please send only TIFF, EPS, or MS Word files, using ZIP compression. Files should be at least 300 dpi, grayscale. We can not accept advertisements by fax.
We look forward to receiving your completed advertisement request. Advertising space is limited, so do not delay.