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EIC / About Moscow EIC / Fair / Announcement 2002

9th Annual US Education Fair
Moscow, Russia
September 28, 2002

6,858 Russian students are currently studying in the United States. (From Open Doors 2001, The Institute of International Education.)

Now is your chance to meet some of these talented students! The Moscow Education Information Center (EIC) is pleased to invite you to participate in its Ninth Annual US Education Fair to be held Saturday, September 28, 2002, in Moscow, Russia.

The Moscow Student Market
Russian students make up the second largest contingent of European students in the United States, surpassing France and the United Kingdom. As the Russian economy continues to strengthen, more and more students are considering study in the United States. The 2001 Moscow US Education Fair was a high-profile event, with over 1,000 students in attendance. 60% of visiting students at the 2001 fair were interested in graduate programs (25% in MBAs), and over 20% were interested in undergraduate study in the United States.

The Moscow Education Information Center, sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State and administered by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), is the largest US government-sponsored source of information on US education in the New Independent States, receiving over 50,000 inquiries each year from students interested in studying in the United States.

How to Register
The registration fee is $400 if you register by August 1, 2002, and $500 if you register before September 5, 2002. For registration forms and additional information, please visit You may also contact Rebecca Bell in Washington, DC or Natalia Rozanova in Moscow, Russia.

Advertising Opportunities
For those unable to attend the fair, advertising opportunities are also available. Please contact us for more information.

St. Petersburg Fair
Another organization, American Councils for International Education, is also holding a fair in St. Petersburg, Russia, on September 29, 2002. Contact Zinaida Rudaya for more information.

Tbilisi Fair.
Open Society Georgia Foundation (Soros Foundation), the American Councils for International Education, and the U.S. Department of State will host their first fair in Tbilisi, Georgia, on September 25-26, 2002. Contact Magda Magradze for more information.

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