USEIC.RU Study in the United States Russian Education Preparing for Departure
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US Education Fair
Participants 2004
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EAC / About Moscow EAC / Fair / Previous / Fair 2003

The 10th Annual US Education Fair in Moscow brought together representatives from 30 US universities and educational organizations and over 1,000 visitors who came to learn first-hand about opportunities for study in the United States. The universities represented at the fair included a broad range of institutions, such as Boston University, Dartmouth College, and the University of Southern Utah. In addition, students had the opportunity to learn about US programs operating in Moscow and in Europe and to meet with representative of organizations administering US government-sponsored exchange programs. Detailed information on each of the participating institutions and organizations can be found in Participants.

In addition to the chance to meet with university representatives, the Fair included a series of lectures designed to help students better understand the structure of US education, to learn about specific aspects of admission to US universities, and to familiarize themselves with fellowship and grant opportunities available to Russian citizens.

Student Profile.
Students attending the fair were asked to complete a survey indicating their area of academic interest and level of education. More than seventy-five percent of visitors were interested in pursuing graduate education, with 24% specifically expressing interest in an MBA. Twenty-two percent of visitors were interested in opportunities for undergraduate education. Seven percent of visitors said they do not need any financial assistance to cover their educational expenses, and 29% indicated they are able to pay for at least part of their study in the United States.

Survey results show that students were primarily interested in the following fields of study: business (management, finance, marketing), medicine, law, languages/linguistics, economics, and computer science. Also popular were engineering, mathematics, physics, and sociology.

Russian Student Market.
Russian students make up the fourth largest contingent of European students in the United States, with more than 6,500 Russian students currently enrolled at US colleges and universities (according to the Institute of International Education's Open Doors). Of these, almost exactly half are studying at the undergraduate level and half at the graduate level.

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