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US Education Fair
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EAC / About Moscow EAC / Fair / Information for US Officials

11th Annual US Education Fair
Moscow, Russia
October 2, 2004

At present, over 6,000 Russian students are studying in the United States. Now is your chance to meet and recruit talented, motivated individuals just like them! The Moscow Education Advising Center (EAC) is pleased to announce its Eleventh Annual US Education Fair that will take place on Saturday, October 2, 2004. Held at the Moscow Golden Ring Hotel in Moscow, Russia, this largest Fair in the Eurasia region is your connection to Russian students that are eager to study in the United States.

The Moscow Education Advising Center, sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State and administered by IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board), is the largest US government-sponsored source of information on US education in the Eurasia region, receiving over 41,000 inquiries each year from students interested in studying in the United States.

How to Register:
The registration fee for university recruiters is $400 if received by August 1, 2004 and $500 if received before September 5, 2004. You can downlowd the registration form now! Read carefully the registration instructions that have detailed information on what does a registartion fee include, fair location, sending university materials policy, travel, visa issues, accommodations, and publicity.

Advertising Opportunity:
The Moscow EAC extends an invitation to the accredited US universities and educational organizations to advertise their schools in the Fair brochure. The Fair brochure, along with the program of the event, will be distributed to all fair attendees free of charge. Details »

Other Fairs in Eurasia:
Additional fairs will also be held in Novosibirsk, Russia; St. Petersburg, Russia; and Yerevan, Armenia, just before and after the Moscow fairs.

Fair 2003 Highlights:
Short report as well as pictures from the previous event is available. Details »

For Additional Information:
Please contact: Zaruhi Hovhannisyan in Washington, DC, or Natalia Rozanova in Moscow.

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