USEIC.RU Study in the United States Russian Education Preparing for Departure
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EAC / Study in the US

This section consists of three main parts: Study in the US; the Application Process and Financial Aid. The information contained in these subsections will help you learn what American opportunities are available, start the application process and gain the financing necessary to reach your goal.

Study in the US section talks about the structure of US system of education. Here you will find the information about the differences between Russian and American system of education. This information will help you to determine where you fit in the US system of education and which degree you need to apply for.

From the Financial Aid section, you will learn about graduate or undergraduate opportunities your chances you have to receive financial aid. Also, we have Program Announcement section. We collect information about scholarship and fellowship programs from different sources, compile them and share them with you as these announcements. We issue programs announcements every month. These announcements contain information about different exchange programs in addition to information about scholarship and fellowships programs offered by US colleges and universities.

The Application Process section outlines steps you need to undertake to succeed in entering US schools. Here you will find test information, a list of US college and universities, and information on how to prepare the documents you must submit to US colleges and universities.

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