The US Educational Information Center
in Moscow offers the opportunity to receive information on available scholarships
and fellowships for US study. These announcements are compiled and distributed
by electronic mail once a month. For those without regular access to the
Internet or electronic mail, the announcements can be sent by regular
mail outside of Moscow.
The program announcements provide information about programs
primarily designed for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as
researchers, and professionals. Programs with other eligibility requirements
are sporadically announced. The announcements will provide information
about how to apply for the prograsms, or contact information to find out
more details.
If you are interested in receiving these monthly program
announcements by regular mail, please provide us with the name of your
institute or organization, including the full address, phone, fax, and
name of the individual to whom this information should be sent every month.
We ask that this person forward the information to all others within his/her
organization who may be interested in such announcements. If you want
to receive program announcements by e-mail just send blank message to
For more information about program announcement please
write to: Alla Mironenko, Senior Educational
Adviser, Moscow EAC.
Program Announcement by date: |