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EAC / Study in the US / Financial Aid / Program Announcements / January-February 2001

The Fund For American Studies

The Fund for American Studies, Georgetown University and Charles University will once again offer the American Institute on Political and Economic Systems in Prague, Czech Republic during the summer of 2001.

The Institute offers a cross-cultural educational experience for university students from Europe, former states of the Soviet Union, and the United States. The Institute explores the political and economic climate of Eastern and Central Europe within the post-Soviet era. Substantial scholarships are awarded to all students who are accepted for admission.

The final application deadline is March 15, 2001

All students attending the Institute will be required to pay a minimum of $500 (USD), which will go towards tuition, 2 meals a day housing, reading materials and special events. The actual program costs are more than $2500 per student. The amount not paid by students is underwritten by generous scholarship supporters of The Fund for American Studies. Students provide their own travel costs, lunches and other personal expenses. Students are encouraged to explore funding opportunities available through non-government organizations and government sources to assist in their payment of fees and travel expenses.

If students are in need of additional applications, or have any questions concerning the program, please contact :

American Institute on Political and Economic Systems
1706 new Hampshire Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20009, USA
Tel: 1-(202) 986-0384
Fax: 1-(208) 728-1023 or 1-202-986-8930
Web: http:/


Russian high school students between 15 and 18 years of age whose parents are employees of: US-Russian Companies, Russian Subsidiaries of US Companies, US-Russian Joint Ventures, US Trade Missions in Russia, US Governmental, Commercial or Private Missions or Foundations in Russia, or companies which are members of the American Chamber of Commerce are invited to spend a year as the quest of an American family, attend an American high school, and receive a scholarship of US Dollars 3,500 towards the cost of the program.

The Scholastic Year in the United States Program is sponsored in the United States by the Face the World Foundation (FTW) of San Rafael, a non profit foundation designated by the United States Information Agency (USAI) as an approved Teenage-Exchange Program. Furthermore, FTW has been accepted for listing by the Council on Standards for International Travel (CSIT).

Parents who qualify may request detailed information about the program and the special scholarship by sending a fax or e-mail message to:

Mary Meulblok
Department of Admissions
American international Study Foundation
1706 Stanhope St N.E.
Olimpia, Washington 98506, USA
Fax: (1-360) 455-0751

Please include your address as we will be mailing you a folder containing detailed information about the program and the scholarship. Education USA’s admission counselors will visit Russia in February of 2001 to conduct individual, personal interviews with all candidates and their parents, and to answer any questions students and parents may have about the program.

In addition to the full Scholastic Year Program (August, 2001 until June 2002) a five month program (one semester) is available (from August, 2001, until January 2002, or from January, 2002, until June 2002).


The Ford Foundation has launched a major international graduate fellowships program and a complementary undergraduate initiative to help prepare a new generation of future leaders for the environmental, social, economic, and resource, challenges of the 21st century.

The $330 million commitment features a new Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) that will provide $280 million over the next 10 years to support post-baccalaureate study for Fellows from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Russia. The IFP, which will award 350 new graduate fellowships annually, assisting a total of 3,500 Fellows over the next decade, represents the largest single grant in the Ford Foundation's history. An additional $50 million will support programs that seek to broaden opportunities for undergraduate education in these regions. "Societies around the world face the challenges of globalization, environmental degradation, advancing technology, peace and security, and the widening gap between rich and poor," said Susan V. Berresford, president of the Ford Foundation. "To tackle these challenges successfully we need people from all sectors of society who can bring fresh vision, expert knowledge and strong leadership skills. In many countries, however, the rapidly increasing need for advanced education far exceeds available resources, which is why we feel this is the right moment to commit to a large-scale fellowships program."

The graduate fellowships will support up to three years of master's or doctoral study at universities anywhere in the world. Fellows will be selected on the basis of their leadership potential, academic excellence and commitment to community or national development. Further information about the foundation is available on its web site at

Eligible Fields (2000-2001)

Any academic discipline or field of study related to the Ford Foundation's grant-making areas & Community Development & Families & Reproductive Health Work-Force Development &Economic Security & Development Community Development & Culture Education Reform & Scholarship & Culture Media & Culture & Social Justice, Human Rights, International Cooperation, Governance & Civil Society

To request an application, contact:

Institute of International Education (IIE)
Tverskaya ul. 16/2
103009 Moscow, Russia
Tel: (095) 935-83-53
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