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EAC / Study in the US / Financial Aid / Program Announcements / March 2002

This issue is fully devoted to International Educational Programs of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) - Russia.

Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) - Russia

Educational Programs

International Educational Programs

The international activities of the OSI-Russia in higher education is mainly focused on realization of international academic, research and training projects by CEU, Higher Education Support Program (HESP) and OSI.

The Central European University (CEU) was founded by George Soros in 1991. It represents an international center for post-graduate education and research. CEU conducts teaching through Master's and Doctoral programs in humanities and social sciences and offers doctoral support programs in the form of academic counseling and short-term training at CEU for thesis research purposes. Teaching sites are located in Budapest and Warsaw harboring departments and programs of the following specialization: economics, environmental sciences and policy, international relations and European studies, legal studies, political sciences, history, medieval studies, gender and culture, nationalism studies, sociology, philosophy. CEU has an absolute charter from the Board of Regents of the State of New York (US). The language of instruction is English. Applications are received annually on a competitive basis from October through January. Comprehensive scholarships are granted to competition winners from the Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

A number of competitions are also open for participation in short-term programs for university teachers, academic administrators and researchers with good English proficiency, namely:

CEU Curriculum Resource Center (CRC). The center has been operating since Autumn 1994 as a CEU's outreach program related to teaching of humanities in Central and Eastern European Countries and the former Soviet Union.

  • Week-long sessions at CRC for teachers from the region including Russia are designed for collaborative efforts toward course development and academic exchange. The schedule of the sessions is announced twice a year for the spring and autumn semesters.

  • CRC Curriculum Development Competition (CDC) offers individual and group grants of up to 10 months for development and teaching of novel courses in humanities and social sciences at region's universities.

CEU Summer University (SUN) has been operating in Budapest at CEU since July 1996. It offers training courses in social sciences and management in the field of higher education for graduate students, young teachers and researchers as well as academic administrators of Russia's higher education institutions and those of other Central and Eastern European countries. Applications are accepted annually from October through January.

Except for the above mentioned programs a multitude of smaller scale fellowships are available for short-term research and lecturing at CEU, use of the Open Society Archives, development of Master's degree training programs for region's higher education institutions, as well as inviting CEU faculty by those of the region for lecturing.

International OSI Policy Fellowships Program (IPF) - annual competitions to award fellowship to support novel and practically oriented research and pilot projects as well as to facilitate development of the Soros Foundation network strategy. Since 2000 the program operates in the framework of the Center for policy studies at CEU founded in autumn 1999 with support from OSI Budapest.

Network Scholarship Programs (NSP) offer grants to partially support students of humanities and social sciences and arts as well as the undergraduate exchange program with US universities.

Executive Director of the Educational Programs
Andrey V. Kortunov

Director of the International Educational Programs
Marina L. Batalina

Senior Coordinator
Natalia N. Ushakova

8, Ozerkovskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, 113184, Russia
tel.: (7 095) 787-88-11
fax: (7 095) 787-88-22
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