Scholarship Awards for International Students
Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa, USA
The Wartburg College International Scholarship Program recognizes the academic achievement of international students, their contribution to campus and community life, and their financial need. Students may qualify for a Ruppe Scholarship awarded at the time of admission and/or a High Performance Scholarship awarded after the completion of two academic terms.
The Loret Ruppe International Student Scholarships
This scholarship program honors the late Loret Miller Ruppe, former director of the Peace Corps and U.S. Ambassador to Norway, whose conviction was that "peace work needs to be everybody's work".
Appointed in 1981, Ruppe headed the Peace Corps for eight years, the longest tenure in its 37-year history. Under Ruppe's direction, the Peace Corps budget allocation increased, and the number of volunteers grew by 20 percent. Ruppe visited volunteers in more than 60 countries in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and South and Central America. In 1989, President George Bush appointed her ambassador to Norway, a position she held until 1993. In recognition of her ambassadorial work, she received the Grand Cross of the Norwegian Order of Merit.
Loret Ruppe died of cancer in August 1996 at the age of 60. In addition to her husband, Philip, she is survived by five daughters.
Upon meeting entrance requirements, international students may be awarded a scholarship of up to $17,000. The following guidelines apply to International Scholarships:
To qualify, you must have a TOEFL score of at least 480, except as authorized in writing by the Associate Director of International Admissions (ADIA) or designee.
Awards are based upon scholastic achievements, participation in such extracurricular activities as music, sports, or drama, voluntary community service, and economic need.
Scholarships are awarded at the time of admission and are renewable each academic year if the student maintains a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the ADIA or designee.
A student will lose his or her scholarship after two consecutive terms on academic probation. Restoration of the scholarship will be considered only if the student is removed from academic probation, except as otherwise authorized by the Vice President for Enrollment Management.
Students are expected to complete their degree within four nine-month academic terms. Transfer students will have credits from other institutions, thereby reducing the time it takes to complete their degree at Wartburg. Scholarships will not be awarded beyond the expected time required for degree completion, except as authorized in writing by the ADIA. Example: You enroll as a first-year student in September 1999 with a scholarship of $3,000 per academic year. Your scholarship can be renewed and awarded through May 2003.
High Performance Scholarships
After completing two full academic terms at Wartburg, international students who have participated in at least two campus activities and achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above may request a High Performance Scholarship of not more than $2,000. (Two summer school sessions count as an academic term; the May Term does not count as an academic term.) Requests should be made in writing to the ADIA. The following additional guidelines apply:
You must be full-time, degree-seeking student.
The award will be effective for the next academic term in which you are enrolled full-time toward degree fulfillment. The High Performance Scholarship is in effect as long as your cumulative GPA remains at 3.0 or above.
Application Procedures for High Performance Scholarship Awards
Students applying for High Performance Scholarship Awards should submit a letter of request to the ADIA, along with the following materials:
• An official transcript of grades for the past two academic terms. (Two summer sessions count as one term; May Term does not count as a term).
• A letter from a faculty or staff member describing your participation in campus activities.
• A letter from your academic adviser attesting to your progress toward the BA/BS degree or other academic objective.
Requests are due within four weeks after the end of the academic term. The ADIA or designee will evaluate each application and provide a written decision to the applicant within eight weeks after the end of the term.
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
International students may be eligible for additional Wartburg College scholarships. These include:
• International Meistersinger Scholarship: Scholarship of up to $3,000 for vocal and instrumental musicians. Applicants are required to send in a performance tape and a repertoire list.
• Sibling Tuition Grant ($1,000 per year): For students with a brother or sister who currently attends or has graduated from Wartburg.
• Alumni Tuition Grant ($1,000 per year): For full-time students with alumni parent(s).
• Other Scholarships, Fellowships: A list of additional scholarship opportunities is published in the Wartburg academic catalog, also available on this Web site.
More Information about Financial Aid for International Students consult IEFA.org, the premier Internet resource, listing financial aid information for students wishing to study in a foreign country.
For more information, contact:
International Admissions
Wartburg College , 222 Ninth Street N.W., P.O.Box 1003, Waverly, Iowa 50677-0903 USA
Tel. 319-352-8264; FAX 319-352-8579
E-mail: global-admissions@wartburg.edu
New York University School of Law
Global Public Service Scholarship and the Hauser Global Scholars Program
Candidates may apply for the Global Public Service Scholarship and the Hauser Global Scholars Program concurrently.
Global Public Service Scholarship
Candidates who are applying for the LL.M. in Public Service Law may apply for the Global Public Service Scholarship. The scholarship is open only to non-U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
The scholarship provides full tuition for one academic year for the LL.M. in Public Service Law, reasonable living expenses including rent, the cost of textbooks and other study materials and one roundtrip airline ticket between the candidate's residence and New York. The scholarship is non-renewable.
In addition to completing the application form for the LL.M. in Public Service Law (including a personal statement), candidates must submit:
• A completed Global Public Service Scholarship application form (including the two brief statements described in the instructions).
• Two letters of recommendation, at least one of which should speak in detail about the candidate's work experience.
• A resume or curriculum vitae.
The complete application for admission and all supporting documents for the Global Public Service Scholarship must be received by December 1, 2002.
Hauser Global Scholars Program
The Hauser Global Scholars Program is a scholarship program open to applicants who are admitted to the LL.M. or J.S.D. program. Candidates must be graduates of a law school outside of the United States. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are not eligible.
Selections are made on the basis of merit without regard to financial need. The Hauser Global Scholarship provides full tuition for one academic year for the LL.M. or J.S.D. program, reasonable living expenses including rent, the cost of textbooks and other study materials and one roundtrip airline ticket between the candidate's residence and New York.
Hauser Global Scholars will pursue their chosen program of graduate study and are required to enroll in one course in addition to the degree requirements that will be recommended by the program director. Hauser Global Scholars will also be expected to participate in special programs and events scheduled throughout the year.
In addition to completing the application for admission to the LL.M. or J.S.D program (including a personal statement), candidates must submit a completed Hauser Global Scholars Program application form (including the three brief statements described on the form).
The complete application for admission and all supporting documents for the Hauser Global Scholars Program must be received by December 1, 2002. Scholarship recipients will be notified in late March 2003.
New York University School of Law
Graduate Admissions
P.O. Box 904
New York, NY 10276-0904
Education USA, Scholarship Fund
Russian high school students between 15 and 18 years of age whose parents are employees of:
• US-Russian Companies,
• Russian Subsidiaries of US Companies,
• US-Russian Joint Ventures,
• US Trade Missions in Russia, US Governmental, Commercial or Private Missions or Foundations in Russia, or,
• Companies which are Members of the American Chamber of Commerce
are invited to spend a year as the guest of an American family, attend an American high school, and receive a scholarship of US Dollars 2,500 towards the cost of the program.
The scholastic Year in the United States Program is sponsored in the United States by Cultural Academic Student Exchange (CASE), a non profit foundation designated by the United States Information Agency (USIA) as approved Teenage-Exchange Program. Furthermore, CASE has been accepted for listing by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET).
Parents who qualify may request detailed information about the program and the special scholarship by sending a fax or e-mail message to:
Mary Meulblok
Department of Admissions
American International Study Foundation
1706 Stanhope St N.E.
Olympia, Washington 98506, USA
Fax: +(360)-455-0751
Email: EducUSA@aol.com
Please include your postal address as we will be mailing you a folder containing detailed information about the program and the scholarship.
Upon receipt of your e-mail or fax message, American International will send you a folder containing details of the program and the $ 2,500 scholarship. Our admission counselors will visit Moscow in January 2003 to conduct individual, personal interviews with all candidates and their parents, and to answer any questions students and parents may have about the program.
Program fees are as follows:
Tuition (including board and lodging, all fees and insurance*): | $ 7,989 |
Financial aid for students whose parents are employed by qualifying organizations: | -$ 2,500 |
Net Tuition: | $5,489** |
* Accident and medical insurance
** The only other expenses are the cost of the airplane ticket to and from the United States, and pocket money in the amount of $ 2,000.
1706 Stanhope St N.E. Olympia, WA 98506, USA
Tel.: +360-455-0743
Fax: +360-455-0751
e-mail: EducUSA@aol.com
при финансовой поддержке Фонда Форда объявляет конкурс индивидуальных грантов на 2004-2005 учебный год.
Программа оказывает финансовую поддержку сроком до трех лет для обучения в очной аспирантуре, магистратуре и по программе PhD в любом университете мира, включая российские высшие учебные заведения, по специальностям, соответствующим областям, в которых в настоящее время работает Фонд Форда, а именно:
Образование, средства массовой информации, искусство и культура
• Социальные и гуманитарные науки
• Реформа образования
• Религия; общество и культура
• Средства массовой информации
• Искусство и культура
Проблемы мира и социальной справедливости
• Права человека
• Международные отношения
• Управление
• Гражданское общество
Формирование ценностей и местное сообщество
• Детство, молодежь, семья и пожилые люди
• Гендерные отношения и социальные аспекты репродуктивного здоровья
• Трудовые ресурсы и развитие человеческого потенциала
• Развитие финансовой и экономической безопасности социально уязвимых групп населения
• Окружающая среда и развитие
• Развитие местного сообщества
Требования к соискателям:
• российское гражданство и/или постоянное проживание на территории РФ (резидентом РФ считается лицо, проживающее на ее территории более 183 дней в году);
• диплом о высшем образовании, полученный на момент подачи заявки;
• документально подтвержденный опыт работы, в том числе на добровольных началах, в сфере предполагаемой области обучения или близкой к ней;
• соответствие предполагаемого образования целям и приоритетам Фонда Форда.
• владение иностранным языком в соответствии с требованиями принимающего ВУЗа.
В конкурсе не могут принимать участие:
• имеющие степень кандидата наук (независимо от специальности, по которой была защищена диссертация);
• имеющие степень PhD;
• обучающиеся в очной аспирантуре или по программе PhD на момент подачи заявки (соискатели и аспиранты заочной формы обучения имеют право принять участие в конкурсе);
• получившие диплом о высшем образовании за пределами Содружества независимых государств (в том числе диплом магистра - МА).
Программа основывается на принципе равных возможностей и не проводит дискриминации по расовому, этническому, религиозному, половому и возрастному признаку и не устанавливает каких- либо квот. При прочих равных условиях Программа отдает предпочтение заявкам от представителей регионов РФ, людей с ограниченными возможностями, беженцев и вынужденных переселенцев, а также от тех соискателей, которые принадлежат к другим социально уязвимым группам населения, испытывающим систематические трудности в доступе к последипломному образованию.
Рабочим языком Программы является русский язык.
Программой не финансируется получение второго высшего образования, а также обучение в области естественных, технических и медицинских наук. Программой не поддерживаются обучение на курсах, стажировки, краткосрочные тренинги и программы повышения квалификации.
Последний срок подачи заявок: 17 января 2003 г. (по почтовому штемпелю)
За дополнительной информацией и формами заявок обращайтесь:
Институт международного образования, Москва, ул. Тверская 16/2, стр. 3, тел. (095) 935-83-53
Почтовый адрес:125050, Москва, К-50, а/я 11, e-mail: ifp@iie.ru, http://www.iie.ru/ifp