Illinois State University.
Illinois State University is looking for students from Russia who would benefit from a graduate assistantship in publishing for two years with the Center for Book Culture--the publisher of Dalkey Archive Press, the Review of Contemporary Fiction, and Context Magazine-- while earning a degree in English/American literature at Illinois State University.
During their assistantships, students will learn about book production, editing, marketing, and publicity. They will also have the opportunity to read widely in the contemporary fiction of their own country and to recommend books that we will consider having translated and published.
Students applying for assistantships with the Center for Book Culture must first be accepted into the Illinois State University graduate program. In addition to receiving a monthly stipend, students granted an assistantship also have their tuition fees waived at the University.
More information about the Center for Book Culture is available at http://www.centerforbookculture.org/, and please visit http://www.english.ilstu.edu/ for details about the English Department at Illinois State University.
Graduate School in the USA!
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Department of Biological Sciences
Laboratory for Molecular Biology
is recruiting students with a strong biological background (biology, biochemistry, biophysics etc.) for PhD programm, starting in Fall, 2003. To apply you have to take written exam in molecular biology, and come for the conversation in English.
UIC is the largest university in Chicago. It's located 10 minutes drive West of downtown Chicago and Michigan lake. The major studies at LMB include genetics and signal transduction in yeast; prions; signal transduction in prokaryotes (B.subtilis, E.coli) and Drosophilla; transcription regulation in plants and C.elegans; genome imprinting in mice; crystallography.
Time of study is 4-6 years, current stipend is $17,000 a year.
The information about the UIC and LMB is available at http://www.uic.edu/.
Exam and conversation will be held on the week of 10-14 February 2003 in Moscow, at MSU Department of Biology. For update and additional information please contact Andrei: atokar2@uic.edu.
Boston University
Summer Legal Institute in London
Boston University is pleased to announce the launch of its Summer Legal Institute in London -- a unique program for lawyers and advanced law students trained outside the U.S., designed to provide intensive training in legal English and writing, and exposure to substantive American law topics in key areas of international business practice.
Program Description.
The Summer 2003 Legal Institute, housed in Boston University's London Center at 43 Harrington Gardens, in the heart of fashionable, historic South Kensington, London, is offered in two parts.
Part A (June 30 - July 18, 2003) is an intensive three-week course in Legal English and Writing taught collaboratively by professors from Boston University School of Law (BUSL) and Boston University's renown Center for English Language and Orientation Programs (CELOP).
Part B (July 21 - August 8, 2003) offers participants a choice of substantive U.S. law classes taught by BUSL faculty -- the law faculty named "America's Best" for an unprecedented five consecutive years by The Princeton Review's guide, The Best Law Schools.
Participants may attend either Part A or Part B, or both.
The Summer Institute is ideally suited for international jurists who:
Seek to improve their ability to communicate and work effectively in English with American-trained lawyers and U.S. law firms;
Want in-depth training in important American commercial law topics;
Anticipate pursuing an LL.M. degree at a U.S. school, at BUSL or elsewhere.
All students receive furnished housing at Boston University's impressive accommodations in London's South Kensington. Students who subsequently attend graduate school at BUSL may apply certain of their summer coursework to satisfy degree requirements.
The application deadline for summer 2003 (both Part A and Part B) is April 15, 2003.
However, because this is a limited-enrollment program, serious candidates are strongly encouraged to apply well in advance of the deadline. We review applications on a rolling basis; applications received after the deadline will be considered on a space-available basis only.
For more information on program content or admissions, contact:
John N. Riccardi
Director, BU Summer Legal Institute
Boston University School of Law
Office of Foreign Programs
765 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 1534
Boston, MA 02215
Tel. (617) 353-5323
Fax: (617) 358-2720
Web: http://www.bu.edu/law/londonlaw
E-mail: sli@bu.edu
Nieman Fellowships for Journalism at Harvard
In this critical time for journalism, the mission of the Nieman Fellowships has never been more important. The fulfillment of our mandate to "promote and elevate the standards of journalism and educate persons deemed specially qualified for journalism" begins each year with the selection of 12 working journalists from the United States and 12 from other countries.
Nieman Fellowships are awarded to reporters, editors, photographers, producers, editorial writers and cartoonists, and Internet specialists with at least five years of full-time, professional experience in the news media.
At Harvard, Nieman Fellows experience discovery and enrichment, learning and reflection in classrooms, in Nieman seminars and from the close friendships that emerge during the Nieman year. Each fellow is free to design an individual course of study. Some pursue classes in a reporting specialty. Others explore the breadth of Harvard's schools and departments. For many Niemans, it is a year of transformation, enabling them to return to their news organizations with renewed journalistic purpose.
The Fellowship
The Nieman Fellowship is a 10-month appointment at Harvard University for midcareer journalists. Nieman Fellows can choose their own course of study in any of the university's schools or departments. Some Niemans use the year to deepen their knowledge in a field of specialty. Others seek to broaden their knowledge in several areas or prepare for a new journalistic assignment.
Fellows are welcome in classes at Harvard College as well as all of the university's graduate schools, including the Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, the Divinity School, the John F. Kennedy School of Government, the Design School, the Graduate School of Education, the Medical School and the School of Public Health.
Learning at Harvard is not limited to the classroom. Niemans attend seminars, lectures, debates and concerts across the campus. Leading U.S. policymakers, key world leaders and prominent scholars in many disciplines are frequent Harvard visitors to lecture halls and forums. For Nieman Fellows, the challenge often is making choices among many opportunities for enrichment.
The special status that Nieman Fellows enjoy at Harvard carries an obligation to give something back during the year. Niemans are invited to talk to students and researchers about their experiences in journalism. Fellows are asked to participate on panels based on their special knowledge of issues in the news. They advise student journalists on the Harvard Crimson about campus coverage and careers in journalism. Niemans also meet with fellows at many of Harvard's ethnic and regional study centers.
The Nieman program is a family experience. Spouses or companions have a standing at Harvard as Nieman Affiliates, enabling them to attend classes and use the Harvard libraries. Affiliates typically participate in most Nieman activities.
Nieman Fellows do not receive academic credit for their classroom work at Harvard. The opportunity to audit courses enables the fellows to step back from deadlines, to renew their intellectual curiosity and to enrich their understanding of the worlds they cover as journalists.
"I did some of the best journalism work during the two years after I returned from my Nieman year, so it clearly gave me a fresh perspective and allowed me to look at the larger issues of life." Margot Adler, National Public Radio, New York City
Deadline for international candidates: March 1, 2003.
The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University
Lippmann House
One Francis Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138 - 2009, U.S.A.
Telephone: (617) 495-2237
Fax: (617) 495-8976
Grant Opportunities: Starr Collaborative Research Program.
IREX is pleased to introduce the new Starr Collaborative Research Grants Program, created to highlight contemporary issues facing the communities of Eurasia, the Near East, and Asia. Each year, the Starr Collaborative Research Program will focus on one theme devoted to a topic of pressing interest to the academic, corporate and policy-making community. With this program, IREX hopes to foster the development of further understanding on key issues while promoting collaboration between researchers of neighboring countries and the United States. This year, research grants will be awarded to projects focusing on the topics of media and the Internet. The eligible countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, China, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
Maximum Award: $20,000
Application Deadline:May 1, 2003
All applicants will be notified of their status by July 2003 and research projects may begin on or after August 1, 2003, and must be completed before July 31, 2004.
Eligibility: Groups with a minimum of three researchers are eligible to apply. At least one of the researchers must be a US citizen or legal permanent resident and at least two of the researchers must be citizens and current residents of two different countries of the eligible regions at the time of application.
Eligible Expenses: Travel and associated expenses, research expenses, participant honoraria, and materials.
To Apply: Submit the original plus 3 copies of the completed application form (see below), project proposal, budget narrative, timeline, and curriculum vitae for each collaborator, to the following address:
2121 K Street NW, SUITE 700
Complete applications and supplementary materials may also be submitted via e-mail to collabgrants@irex.org. Those applying electronically must submit all materials and fax the signature page to (202) 628-8189 by the deadline.
To download applications or for more information, visit the IREX website at http://www.irex.org/programs/starr or contact: collabgrants@irex.org.
The Starr Collaborative Research Grants Program is made possible through the generosity of The Starr Foundation.