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EAC / Study in the US / Financial Aid / Program Announcements / April 2005

The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University awards approximately 45 fully funded fellowships each year. Radcliffe Institute fellowships are designed to support scholars, scientists, artists and writers of exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishment, who wish to pursue work in academic and professional fields and in the creative arts. Applicants must have received their doctorate or appropriate terminal degree by December 2004 in the area of the proposed project. Radcliffe welcomes proposals from small groups of scholars who have research interests or projects in common. Please check the Web site for more information.

The stipend amount is $55,000. Fellows receive office space and access to libraries and other resources of Harvard University. During the fellowship year, which extends from early September 2006 through June 30, 2007, residence in the Boston area is required as is participation in the Institute community. Fellows are expected to present their work-in-progress and to attend other fellowsevents.

Applications must be postmarked by October 3, 2005.

Radcliffe Application Office
34 Concord Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
ph: 617-496-1324
fax: 617-495-8136
Visit the website at

International News from the University of Nebraska at Omaha

The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) welcomed more than 1,000 international students from 101 countries last year. UNO is committed to international education and students. Here is one of the ways we serve them.

New International Student Scholarships

UNO demonstrates its commitment to international education by awarding scholarships to academically talented students from around the world. These scholarships range from $2500 to $7700 per academic year, and are available to both undergraduate and graduate students who maintain a 3.0 GPA and fulfill a volunteer service requirement.

Applications are accepted on a rolling (continuous) basis. Recipients are chosen on the basis of their academic achievement, leadership potential, extracurricular involvement, and the quality of their scholarship application.

* Non-Resident Tuition Scholarships enable international students to pay the same tuition as a resident of Nebraska. They are worth $6400 to $7700 per year, and are automatically renewed each year until the student graduates.

* New International Student Scholarships are worth $5000 per academic year. Partial grants are sometimes awarded for a single semester. These scholarships are not renewable.

In addition, several academic units offer their own scholarships and graduate assistantships. More than 10 percent of UNO's international students receive scholarships or assistantships from either International Programs or academic departments.

Would you like to receive printed materials from the University of Nebraska at Omaha? Please help us update our mailing list by providing your address and other contact information by return e-mail.

International Admissions
University of Nebraska at Omaha
International Studies and Programs
6001 Dodge Street, ASH 241
Omaha, NE 68182

Phone: 402-554-2293
Fax: 402-554-2949

Institute for Advanced Study's School of Social Science in Princeton, New Jersey

Each year the Institute for Advanced Study's School of Social Science in Princeton, New Jersey, invites fifteen to twenty scholars to spend an academic year in residence as Visiting Members, pursuing their own research.

A completed doctorate or equivalent is required of all applicants;

memberships are awarded at both the junior and senior levels.

Member awards are funded by the Institute for Advanced Study and other sources, including the National endowment for the Humanities.

The theme for 2006-07 is The "Third World" Now.

Please note that applications that do not fall within the parameters of the theme for 2006-2007 will also receive full consideration

THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE each year invites as Members some fifteen to twenty scholars from a large applicant pool. The group is interdisciplinary and international. A completed doctorate or equivalent is required of all applicants; memberships are awarded at both the junior and senior levels.

Visiting Members are expected to pursue their own research, but the School organizes a seminar on the yearТs focus and a weekly lunch at which Members as well as invited guest present their on-going work. The School is not wedded to any particular intellectual or disciplinary approach. It welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It encourages social scientific work with an historical and humanistic bent and also entertains applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature, and linguistics. Member awards are funded by the Institute for Advanced Study or by other sources, including the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The theme for 2006-07 is The УThird WorldФ Now. The last sixty years have seen a dramatic change in the shape of the world. Colonial empires have dissolved either violently or peacefully and a new international system has taken shape. From the original 42 members of the League of Nations, the United Nations has grown to 191. In many states founded by charismatic spokesmen for national liberation there are now a second generation of more managerial types. And there is a different, volatile configuration of alliances and antagonisms among them. There have been many studies over the years of such matters as the modernization and development of emerging economies postcolonial culture and politics, ethnic rivalries within and among nations, and post-Cold War realignments. Most such studies have been conducted within the context of Уglobalization,Ф and have used categories of analysis that, in the light of recent history, appear dated and inadequate to the task. What is lacking, and what we are hoping to provide, is a map of structure, and form. Such a map requires not only empirical work (from historians, ethnographers, political economists, geographers, sociologists), but new and revised categories of analysis that will illuminate the patterns that have emerged. We want to bring together a group of scholars from all over the world whose individual work (substantive and focused as well as theoretical) will contribute to the drawing of this map and who collectively will articulate the analytic categories that can make sense of the Уthird worldФ as it is now.

Please note that applications that do not fall within the parameters of the theme for 2006-2007 will also receive full consideration.


Location: Princeton, NJ
Deadline: Nov 15, 2005

Library of Congress Invites Applications for Kluge Center Fellowships

The Library of Congress ( ) invites qualified scholars to conduct research in the John W. Kluge Center using the Library of Congress collections and resources for a period of up to eleven months.

The Kluge Center is located in the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress and provides attractive work and discussion space for scholars. Residents have easy access to the library's specialized staff and to the intellectual community of Washington.

The Kluge Center especially encourages humanistic and social science research that makes use of the library's large and varied collections. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, or multi-lingual research is particularly welcome. Among the collections available to researchers are the world's largest law library and outstanding multi-lingual collections of books and periodicals.

Special collections of manuscripts, maps, music, films, recorded sound, prints, and photographs are also available.

Scholars who have received a terminal advanced degree within the past seven years in the humanities, social sciences, or in a professional field such as architecture or law are eligible to apply. Exceptions may be made for individuals without continuous academic careers. Applicants may be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals. For applicants whose native language is not English, there must be evidence that the applicant is fluent in English.

Up to twelve Kluge Fellowships will be awarded annually. Fellowships are tenable for periods from six to eleven months, at a stipend of $4,000 per month. Visit the Library of Congress Web site for complete fellowship program information and application procedures.

Location: US
Deadline: August 15, 2005

Paul and Daisey Soros Fellowship

Overview: Bearing the name of its benefactors, the P.D. Soros Fellowship was established in 1998 and has provided funding to over 110 students. Foreign born students or students whose parents have become naturalized citizens are eligible for scholarship consideration. Each fellowship provides funding for tuition and additional expenses applicable to graduate study within the United States.

Eligibility: Students applying for a P.D. Soros Fellowship must either currently hold a Green Card as a resident alien, have become a naturalized citizen of the United States, or be the child of parents who have both become naturalized citizens. Fellowships may be awarded students who have obtained their Bachelor's degree or who are enrolled in their final year of undergraduate study. Students already engaged in graduate study are also encouraged to apply.

Value: Students awarded P.D. Soros Fellowships will be provided with a maintenance grant of $20,000 in addition to a tuition grant equalling one half of tuition costs. Fellowship funding may be extended for a maximum of two years.

Application: All applicants are required complete an application involving two essays, a resume, and related forms. In addition, students are required to secure letters of recommendation from one academic source and one occupational source. All application and recommendation materials are provided on the P.D. Soros Fellowships Web Site.

Deadline: Applications must be received for review and endorsement prior to the national deadline of November 1, 2005.

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