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EAC / Study in the US / Financial Aid / Program Announcements / June 2005

University of New Orleans Scholarship Information for International Students

Criteria for International First-time Freshmen

St. Charles Scholarship Full non-resident fee exemption

1. 3.5 or higher cumulative secondary school Grade Point Average (GPA) [4.0 scale]
2. Satisfactory completion of IELP through level 6 or minimum TOEFL score of 540 paper or 207 computer.
3. Entering freshmen or students with fewer than 12 semester hours of university course work completed.

Pontchartrain Scholarship
$5000 non-resident fee exemption (academic year)

1. 3.25 - 3.49 cumulative secondary school GPA
2. Satisfactory completion of IELP through level 6 or minimum TOEFL score of 540 paper or 207 computer.
3. Entering freshmen or students with fewer than 12 semester hours of university course work completed.

Pontalba Scholarship
$2500 non-resident fee exemption (academic year)

1. 3.0 - 3.24 cumulative secondary school GPA
2. Satisfactory completion of IELP through level 6 or minimum TOEFL score of 540 paper or 207 computer.
3. Entering freshmen or students with fewer than 12 semester hours of university course work completed.

These scholarships are for undergraduate studies at The University of New Orleans ; they are not scholarships for the Intensive English Language Program.

Undergraduate students who obtain scholarships under these criteria must maintain full-time status each academic year with a minimum UNO cumulative GPA of 2.75 to retain the scholarship.

Students must apply to UNO during their first session in IELP to receive an academic scholarship.

Scholarships are also available for undergraduate transfer students. For more information write to

East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship for Studies Beginning in Fall 2006


The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides Master's and Doctoral funding for graduate students from Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S. to participate in educational and research programs at the East-West Center while pursuing graduate study at the University of Hawai`i. Through East-West Center affiliation, awardees become part of a growing network of students and alumni forging the shape and substance of the world's most vibrant region.

Center fellowships are provided for degree study at the University of Hawai`i and participation in the Center's international and intercultural programs. The Center and the University of Hawai`i, located in a unique island setting with a distinctive multicultural heritage, offer premier resources for studies on Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S.

Degree fellows have opportunities to participate in graduate certificate programs offered in leadership studies, international intercultural studies, population studies and natural resource management that enhance their degree studies. Other opportunities include invited participation in the Center's research projects in several areas of international study including politics, governance and security; economics; environmental change; population and health; education ; and Pacific islands development.

The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship invites applications from:

* Citizens or permanent residents of the United States
* Citizens of countries in the Pacific and Asia, including Russia

The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides substantial funding toward:

* Master's degrees (24-month fellowship)
* Doctoral degrees (48-month fellowship)

General Requirements:

* Applicants submit both the application for East-West Center Graduate Fellowship and the graduate admissions application to the University of Hawai`i to the East-West Center Award Services Office. Applications must be postmarked by the November 1 deadline.
* Applicants already enrolled as classified graduate students at the University of Hawai`i submit only the East-West Center Graduate Fellowship application.
* Required tests include the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for applicants from non-English speaking countries, and the GRE or GMAT for all applicants as required by university departments.
* Award recipients who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents must meet exchange visitor (J-1 visa) requirements.

Degree Fellowship Requirements:

Beyond fulfilling degree requirements at the University of Hawai`i, East-West Center students are required to take part in the Center's education program. These requirements include:

* Core Program that meets weekly during the fall semester.
* Spring Core Issues Course, which will consist of a series of presentations and small-group discussions.
* Community Service. Degree Fellows are expected to devote 90 hours to community service during their award period.
* Involvement in an EWC Research Project.
* Interdisciplinary Certificate. Students not involved in an EWC research project must pursue one of several interdisciplinary certificates.
* Language Requirement. Degree Fellows who are native speakers of English from USA, Australia or New Zealand must demonstrate proficiency in an Asian/Pacific language or complete four semesters of language coursework.
* Monthly Report to the Associate Dean.

Application forms and additional information may be obtained from:

Award Services Office
East-West Center
1601 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96848-1601

E-mail requests:

Please include your complete mailing address and country of citizenship and permanent residence in your request so that we may send you the correct forms.

Fall 2006 Graduate Degree Fellowship Application Forms will be available soon.

University of Hawai`i graduate degree application forms are available at the University of Hawai`i Graduate Admissions Website

East-West Center Asia Pacific Leadership Program

The Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is the center of excellence for leadership education in the Asia Pacific region.

The APLP is a graduate certificate program combining the development of regional expertise with the enhancement of individual leadership capacity.

The program`s core philosophy is that leadership potential is most successfully realized when it is developed alongside an ability to critically evaluate real-world events and issues, to think regionally and to work collaboratively. The APLP empowers future leaders with the knowledge, skills, experiences and supportive community needed to successfully navigate personal and regional change in the 21st century.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and complex, the need for exceptional leadership continues to grow. Leaders who can successfully navigate change require creative vision and the capacity to chart and act upon that vision.

The APLP equips participants to become agents of change in the Asia-Pacific through the provision of high quality program content, an emphasis on applied experiential learning and the development of an alumni network of excellence that spans the Asia Pacific.

Ultimately, navigating change requires information, insight, appetite for discovery, concerted effort, clarity of purpose, supportive community and strong leadership. The APLP program enhances these elements to develop effective leaders who can successfully navigate individual and institutional change in times of profound and constant uncertainty.

The APLP is a signature program of the East-West Center. Graduates leave the East-West Center with an expansive Asia Pacific regional perspective. They are knowledgeable about the societies and issues of the Asia Pacific region and are trained to exercise leadership and promote cooperation in a variety of cultural, geographic and institutional environments. APLP alumni are navigators of change in the Asia Pacific.

FELLOWSHIP - Memberships in the School for Historical Studies, Princeton, NJ

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, School of Historical Studies Memberships 2006-2007:

A community of scholars where intellectual inquiry, research and writing is carried out in the best of circumstances, the Institute offers Members libraries, offices, seminar and lecture rooms, subsidized housing, stipends and other services.

Open to all fields of historical research, the School of Historical Studies principal interests are history of western, near eastern and far eastern civilizations, Greek and Roman civilization, history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, history of art, music studies and modern international relations.

Candidates of any nationality may apply for one or two terms. Residence in Princeton during term time is required. The only other obligation of Members is to pursue their own research. The Ph.D. (or equivalent) and substantial publications are required.

Information and application forms for this and other programs may be found on the School's web site at, or contact:

The School of Historical Studies
Institute for Advanced Study
Einstein Dr.
Princeton, N.J. 08540
E-mail: Marian Zelazny

Deadline: 15 November 2005.

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