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EAC / Study in the US / Financial Aid / Program Announcements / July 2005


The University of South Florida is pleased to announce the second annual competition for the "University of South Florida (USF) International Undergraduate Scholars Award". This award will offer scholarships to two outstanding international students who meet competitive selection criteria and who provide evidence of scholarly and leadership excellence.

Each scholarship will provide $15,000 per year for up to four years. Scholarship will be renewable each year based on maintaining a minimum 3.2 GPA semester average. USF International Undergraduate Scholars will be eligible for an additional award of $500 annually as USF Honors College students. Total value of USF scholarship assistance: $15,500 a year x four years.

Estimated expenses for 2006-2007 are $30,000, subject to change. Students will be responsible for all expenses not covered by the scholarship. Please note that this is not a cash award; USF will offer financial credit toward annual tuition expenses.


• Open to international students from all regions of the world whose permanent residence is outside the United States (US citizens, dual citizens, and US permanent residents or pending permanent residents are not eligible to apply);
• Must be applying from outside the US;
• Must begin studies for fall 2006 semester; students seeking spring 2007 semester admissions are not eligible to apply;
• Must be entering as a first time in college student who has never studied at a US or other college/university (Transfer students are not eligible to apply);
• Must provide proof of leadership, community involvement, and academic honors;

Award is renewable annually for up to four years from fall (August 2006) based on the following conditions:

• Maintaining a 3.2 GPA per semester
• Continued enrollment in the Honors College and fulfillment of all Honors College requirements including Final Thesis
• Minimum overall 3.3 GPA to graduate
• Continued participation in community outreach activities while enrolled at USF


TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language):
• Minimum 220 CBT (Computer Based Test) OR
• Minimum 560 P/B (Paper-Based) OR
• Minimum 83 Internet Based


• SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test): Minimum 1270 total score (on critical reading and quantitative sections)
• ACT - minimum score of 29
• International Baccalaureate (IB) - minimum score of 35
• "A" Level examinations-minimum of 3 exams.

ETS/College Board official score reports should be sent directly to the University of South Florida (code 5828) and arrive by February 4, 2006 at the latest.


• 3.5 GPA minimum

Applicants must submit translations and official evaluations of their local secondary/high school transcripts. See for guidelines.

ESSAY One page maximum, typed (no hand written essays will be accepted), in English

Topic: "How will your previous volunteer and leadership experience in your home country help you promote better global understanding and people-to-people diplomacy as an international student leader at USF?"


• Academic/leadership awards, honors, or recognition
• Community service, volunteer work, employment, or membership in clubs outside school
• Extracurricular school activities, i.e. student government, student newspaper, school clubs, sports involvement, music club, student mentor


• Teacher recommendation
• Outside recommendation such as an employer or supervisor or community service coordinator
• School recommendation such as a guidance counselor, principal, or EducationUSA overseas educational advisor (see for an office nearest you)


Submit admission and scholarship application forms listed below:
• USF International Undergraduate Application Form: Complete form and submit together with your $30 application fee by JANUARY 2, 2006 for fall 2006 admissions. See
• USF International Undergraduate Scholar Award application form: Complete and submit scholarship application form, official TOEFL and SAT/ACT/IB/A Level scores, high school transcripts and official evaluations, letters of recommendations, proof of honors, community involvement, leadership activities, and essay before FEBRUARY 4, 2006
• Contact for complete instructions and scholarship application forms.


• To view a menu of USF resources developed for international audiences, visit

• For further assistance with the application process and information specific to your country, please contact your local U.S. Embassy/U.S. Consulate/Office of Public Affairs for referral to an overseas educational advising center near you, or consult the list available on the U.S. Department of State's website at

Since only two awards will be given, selection will be very competitive. USF will be looking for the best and brightest student leaders from around the world who meet and perhaps exceed our application criteria. The University of South Florida welcomes your interest, and looks forward to receiving your applications!

Deadline for submission of USF international application forms is January 2, 2006. Deadline for submission of scholarship packet is FEBRUARY 4, 2006.

The 2006 announcement, application guidelines, and application form can be found on our website at


Evelyn Levinson, Associate Director of International Admissions, University of South Florida,
Fax: +1-813-974-8044



The Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society's Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program provides leadership training throughapplied research and professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners interested in building Third-Sector capacity in the United States and overseas. This year's Fellows will be selected from abroad and also from communities of color under-represented in the U.S. grantmaking sector. Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, where they design and pursue an individualized research project and participate in a seminar with Third-Sector leaders. Specific topical areas are chosen each year.

The research topics for applicants to the 2006 Emerging Leaders Program, including the program's Diversity Fellowship, is community foundations. A limited number of fellowships for research on diaspora philanthropy, as well as other topics, may also be available for applicants based outside the United States.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar (March 1 to May 31, 2006) on the U.S. and international voluntary sectors. Fellows are expected to produce a 25-40 page paper on their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300-per month stipend to cover living expenses. In addition, the Center will provide single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at International House (adjacent to Columbia University) as well as economy round-trip air travel to and from the United States. Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the seminar.

Tuition-based appointments may also be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following donors for their support of the 2005 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The Ford Foundation Office in Nairobi, Kenan Institute Asia, The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, and an anonymous donor.


The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of 36. Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research skills. Traditionally, selected fellows are citizens of countries other than the United States. In 2006, the program will also include two fellows from a community of color under-represented in the grantmaking sector in the U.S.

There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should submit the following materials in English:
a) a resume or c.v. identifying past and present employment, as well as educational experience, languages spoken and degree of fluency in each, and TOEFL scores (if English is not the first language);
b) a 3-5 page research proposal that identifies a research topic on community foundations and (or diaspora philanthropy), questions to be addressed in the research, and the anticipated methodology;
c) a statement of what the applicant seeks to accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance career plans;
d) a list of publications, if applicable. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following information: name, country of origin, country of residence, date of birth, current organizational affiliation, position, topic (community foundations/diaspora philanthropy), title of research paper, current address, home/work/cell telephone numbers, home/work fax numbers, and e-mail address(es).

Two letters of recommendation are required from scholars and/or staff members of NGOs, nonprofits or donor agencies. The letters must be signed and printed on original letterhead and sent directly to the Center by the referee.

Please submit materials electronically and by mail.
Send to; and to Dr. Kathleen D. McCarthy, Director / Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society / The Graduate Center, CUNY / 365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5401 / New York, NY 10016-4309 / USA. Electronic submissions must be formatted for 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Note that signed letters of recommendation must be sent by the referee via post on original letterhead.

Applications must be received no later than September 13, 2005. The selection will be made by a committee of leaders from the voluntary sector. Awards will be announced on or around October 15, 2005.


The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides Master's and Doctoral funding for graduate students from Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S. to participate in educational and research programs at the East-West Center while pursuing graduate study at the University of Hawai'i. Through East-West Center affiliation, awardees become part of a growing network of students and alumni forging the shape and substance of the world's most vibrant region.

Center fellowships are provided for degree study at the University of Hawai'i and participation in the Center's international and intercultural programs. The Center and the University of Hawai'i, located in a unique island setting with a distinctive multicultural heritage, offer premier resources for studies on Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S.

Degree fellows have opportunities to participate in graduate certificate programs offered in leadership studies, international intercultural studies, population studies and natural resource management that enhance their degree studies. Other opportunities include invited participation in the Center's research projects in several areas of international study including politics, governance and security; economics; environmental change; population and health; education ; and Pacific islands development.

The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship invites applications from:

• Citizens or permanent residents of the United States
• Citizens of countries in the Pacific and Asia, including Russia

The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides substantial funding toward:

• Master's degrees (24-month fellowship)
• Doctoral degrees (48-month fellowship)

General Requirements:

• Applicants submit both the application for East-West Center Graduate Fellowship and the graduate admissions application to the University of Hawai'i to the East-West Center Award Services Office. Applications must be postmarked by the November 1 deadline.
• Applicants already enrolled as classified graduate students at the University of Hawai'i submit only the East-West Center Graduate Fellowship application.
• Required tests include the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for applicants from non-English speaking countries, and the GRE or GMAT for all applicants as required by university departments.
• Award recipients who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents must meet exchange visitor (J-1 visa) requirements.

Degree Fellowship Requirements:

Beyond fulfilling degree requirements at the University of Hawai'i, East-West Center students are required to take part in the Center's education program. These requirements include:

• Core Program that meets weekly during the fall semester.
• Spring Core Issues Course, which will consist of a series of presentations and small-group discussions.
• Community Service. Degree Fellows are expected to devote 90 hours to community service during their award period.
• Involvement in an EWC Research Project.
• Interdisciplinary Certificate. Students not involved in an EWC research project must pursue one of several interdisciplinary certificates.
• Language Requirement. Degree Fellows who are native speakers of English from USA, Australia or New Zealand must demonstrate proficiency in an Asian/Pacific language or complete four semesters of language coursework.
• Monthly Report to the Associate Dean.

Application forms and additional information may be obtained from:

Award Services Office
East-West Center
1601 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96848-1601

E-mail requests:

Please include your complete mailing address and country of citizenship and permanent residence in your request so that we may send you the correct forms.

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