The Moscow EAC is pleased to send you the monthly program announcement for
January 2006. Each month, we send this announcement to our contacts to provide
you with updated information on opportunities for study in the United States.
If you want to unsubscribe, please send us a note.
This month program announcement includes info on the following programs:
Allendale, Michigan |
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Academic Scholarships
Grand Valley State University is proud to announce academic scholarships for international students and U.S. students living overseas. The deadline for U.S. Citizens is February 1. The deadline for international students is March 1.
International Students (valid visa holders - undergraduate and graduate):
International Merit Award:
Qualifications: GPA equivalent to a cumulative 3.5 (A/B), TOEFL of 213 Value:
Difference between in-state and out-of state tuition rate (approx. US$6,000)
International Award of Distinction:
Qualifications: GPA equivalent to a cumulative 3.8 (A-), TOEFL 227 Value: International
Merit Award plus $3,000
Renewable for up to three additional years for undergraduate students or one additional year for graduate students based on maintaining a 2.85 cumulative grade point average.
U.S. Citizens Overseas (undergraduate only)
Out-of-State Award of Excellence
Qualifications: GPA = 3.5, SAT = 1150 or ACT = 26, TOEFL 213 (if necessary)
Value: Difference between in-state and out-of state tuition rate (approx.
Scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years based on maintaining
full-time enrollment and at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average.
Bert Price Diversity Scholarship
Qualifications: Student classifies themselves as African-American, Asian-American, or Hispanic-American;
GPA = 3.3, SAT = 960 or ACT = 21, TOEFL 213 (if necessary)
Value: FULL TUITION Scholarship
Scholarships are renewable for up to three additional years based on maintaining full-time enrollment and at least a 2.85 cumulative grade point average.
Jim Crawley
Associate Director for International Recruitment
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Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistantships in Geospatial Science and Engineering
The Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence (GIScCE) was established
in 2005 by South Dakota State University (SDSU) in collaboration with the USGS
National Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS). The GIScCE
is dedicated to studying the causes and effects of land cover dynamics at scales
ranging from landscapes to the globe. Information on the GIScCE and its researchers
can be found at: globalmonitoring.sdstate.edu
We are currently seeking applicants for six funded Ph.D. Graduate Research
Assistantships in Geospatial Science and Engineering to start in Fall 2006.
Potential research topics are wide-ranging as each successful applicant will
work with one or more SDSU faculty members to develop a program related to their
research interests and career goals. Applicants should have strong quantitative
skills, and a background in remote sensing, GIS, quantitative geography, spatial
ecology, or a related field.
Review of completed application packages will commence February
6, 2006.
Successful applicants will receive a nationally competitive salary. The cost
of living in Brookings, South Dakota is low and South Dakota residents pay no
state income tax. Brookings is a thriving college town that offers excellent
schools, abundant parks and recreational opportunities, and a variety of community
Application information can be found at: www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/AdmissiontotheGraduateSchool/Index.cfm
Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact one or more of the
GIScCE faculty members (below) to discuss their qualifications and possible
research topics.
Dr. Mark Cochrane Research Interests: Interdisciplinary work
combining remote sensing, ecology and other fields to provide a landscape
perspective of the dynamic processes involved in land-cover change. Fire
ecology; conservation; sustainable use and synergism between land use
and land cover change. mark.cochrane@sdstate.edu
Dr. Matt Hansen Research Interests: Global monitoring of land
cover/land use change; improvement inputs, algorithms and thematic outputs
for land cover characterizations; application of multi-resolution datasets
for accuracy assessment. matthew.hansen@sdstate.edu
Dr. Geoff Henebry Research Interests: Ecological remote sensing;
land cover/land use change; land surface phenology; biodiversity; landscape
ecology; grasslands. geoffrey.henebry@sdstate.edu
Dr. David Roy Research Interests: Application of remote sensing
and computational methods to map the occurrence and spatial extent of
terrestrial change with an emphasis on vegetation fires; causes and consequences
of land cover/land use change; fire-climate-vegetation interactions. david.roy@sdstate.edu
Dr. Mike Wimberly Research Interests: Spatial epidemiology
of vector-borne diseases; simulation modeling of landscape dynamics; forest
ecology and management; wildfire risk assessment; predictive mapping of
species distributions. michael.wimberly@sdstate.edu
Dr. Chunsun Zhang Research Interests: Digital photogrammetry;
automate mapping and feature extraction; development of models; algorithms,
and computational systems for image matching. chunsun.zhang@sdstate.edu
605-688-5384 EOE
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Information about a scholarship for women in developing countries working on
local problems at the grassroots level
NLS supports study, research, and leadership training, to assist women in their
pursuit of solutions to the critical social, environmental, health and economic
problems facing their countries and communities. By granting scholarships to
remarkable women who demonstrate effective leadership, innovative solutions,
and commitment to their communities, NLS helps develop and advance local expertise
and community-based, culturally appropriate solutions. NLS endorses non-traditional
leaders who are modeling change and using imaginative methodologies. Academic
study, research and leadership training should be based on the scholarship recipient's
present or prior experience working with her community.
Course of Study
Scholarship recipients enroll in programs of study that cover a range of human
rights and development issues at the non-doctoral graduate level including gender,
reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, child exploitation, human and drug trafficking,
infant and maternal mortality, microbial diseases, conflict resolution, environmental
justice, global fair trade, agroecology, and sustainable development. NLS is
a secular program and does not support programs of study that promote specific
religious beliefs.
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The International Undergraduate Scholarship program is available to any nonimmigrant
to the United States who is an incoming undergraduate student to Kent State
University. This merit-based scholarship may vary in amount awarded to the student.
The remaining portions of tuition, fees, room, board and other expenses are
the student’s responsibility. Once an international student has received
a financial award from this program it is renewable based upon renewal for 3
consecutive years or graduation, which ever comes first.
To apply complete the international undergraduate scholarship application.
Any questions regarding this scholarship program should be
directed to Ted McKown at tmckown@kent.edu
DEADLINE: Priority will be given to scholarship applications
received by February 15, 2006
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International Undergraduate Scholarships
Morehead State University offers international undergraduate scholarships to
qualified international undergraduate students in the amount of $5,000 annually.
To be eligible students must meet all the international undergraduate admission
requirements and must have a score of at least 20 on the ACT or 950 on the SAT.
MSU also offers Tuition Scholarship for Non-Residents to international undergraduate
applicants. The value per year is: Waiver of non-resident tuition differential
except for $250 per semester. To be eligible students must meet all the international
undergraduate admission requirements and must have a score of at least 23 on
the ACT or 1070 on the SAT.
Mandatory fees are added to the tuition and include activities fee, health
fee, and computer fee. International students are not eligible for Tuition Assistance
Grants or Alumni Awards. No additional application is needed for the above-mentioned
scholarship once the international undergraduate application is submitted.
For more info, please visit: www.moreheadstate.edu/oie/index.aspx?id=6179
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The International Visegrad Fund announces call for applications for 16 doctoral
scholarships to study in one of the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland
and Slovakia).
The In-coming Visegrad Scholarship program is created for the purpose of facilitating
academic exchanges by providing financial support to post-graduate scholars
from Belarus, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, and since 2006
also from Moldova, who wish to have study period in one of the V4 countries.
The length of supported period of study or research projects shall be 10 months.
The amount of each scholarship is 5.000 EUR for the student (and 3.000 EUR for
the hosting university as a lump sum).
DEADLINE: January 31, 2006
For further details please visit www.visegradfund.org or contact: scholarships@visegradfund.org
International Visegrad Fund
Drotarska cesta 46
811 01 Bratislava
Tel: 00 421 2 67 207 111
Fax: 00 421 2 59 354 180
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The program is designed to increase exchange between
scholars of the region and Central European University, and to promote
original research, which can be of practical benefit to a particular country
or region. The Visiting Research Fellowship Program is applicable to individuals
holding a Ph. D. or equivalent, and who are affiliated with a teaching
or research institution within Central and Eastern Europe (except EU member
states), the former Soviet Union, or Mongolia. The program supports two
types of Research Fellows:
* Senior Visiting Research Fellows hold a full professorship, and are
academics of established (preferably national) standing within their discipline.
* Junior Visiting Research Fellows are academics who have made a contribution
to their discipline through publications, conference presentations, or
other academic forums.
Fellows are supported for a period of from one to six months, depending
upon the type of research being undertaken. Both types of Fellowship cover
travel costs to/from Budapest, accommodation during the period of the
Fellowship, and a monthly stipend. Junior Fellows will receive $750 per
month stipend, and Senior Fellows - $1500 per month.
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: Whilst at CEU, Fellows will present one Public Lecture
to their host Department and the broader CEU community. Within one month
of completion of the Fellowship, Fellows are required to submit to the
Special Projects Office of CEU a brief paper in English, describing the
results of their research activities at CEU. Within one year of completion
of the Fellowship, Fellows are required to submit to the Special Projects
Office a publication or an article prepared for publication in English,
German, or French based on their original research at CEU. The resulting
publication should state that this research is the outcome of a Visiting
Research Fellowship at CEU. Fellows are required to be in residence at
CEU for the duration of their Fellowship and are accommodated in CEU's
Residence and Conference Center.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Application Forms with Criteria for Applicants
in both categories are available from the SPO Office, National Soros Foundation
Offices and electronically. CEU does not accept Fellows during August
or the Christmas period due to the limited availability of professors
and access to research materials during vacation.
Please note: those who are or who plan to be involved in projects, research,
teaching, or other activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the Soros Foundation
or OSI during the proposed period of the Visiting Research Fellowship
are not eligible to participate in the program.
Applications are evaluated by the relevant CEU Department or Center and
CEU's Special Projects Office. Therefore, we accept applications in the
following discipline areas:
* Within CEU Departments: Economics; Environmental Science and Policy;
Gender Studies; History (Modern and Early Modern); International Relations
and European Studies; Legal Studies (Business Law, Comparative Constitutional
Law and Human Rights); Mathematics and Its Applications; Medieval Studies;
Nationalism; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology and Social Anthropology.
* Within CEU Centers (each Center offers its research areas or topics,
which can be found on the website specified below): Center for Arts and
Culture; Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine; Center for Hellenic
Traditions; Center for Policy Studies; Center for EU Enlargement Studies;
Humanities Center and Center for Media and Communications Studies; Human
Rights Center.
APPLICATION DEADLINES: The deadline for receiving the complete application
package for the Senior and Junior Visiting Research Fellowship Program
during the Academic Year 2006-2007 is May 15, 2006.
* Complete the Application form (it can be downloaded: application2006.doc).
* Attach a signed letter of support from your home institution.
* Attach two signed reference letters from colleagues in the relevant
discipline who are also of established standing.
* Include Curriculum Vitae.
* Enclose detailed research proposal. The research proposal will be examined
in relation to the time requested for the Visiting Research Fellowship.
The research proposal must be a minimum of two pages. However, if the
candidate wishes to receive a longer Fellowship, the research proposal
should be longer and more detailed.
* Attach a list of publications. Publications in refereed journals should
be noted as such. Three abstracts in English should be submitted of three
recent (in the past three years) publications.
* Attach a list of conferences of national and/or international importance
and significance, including the list of papers you have presented at three
recent (in the past three years) conferences. An abstract in English of
one of the conference papers should be submitted.
* Attach information on how the research to be conducted at CEU will be
used upon completion. Candidates should concentrate on either practical
outcomes or a resulting publication.
* Attach copies of your original degrees and certificates (Master of Arts,
Kandidat Nauk, Ph. D.).
* Send your application to the Special Projects Office, Special and Extension
Programs, by regular mail, e-mail (preferred) or fax. If emailed, Diplomas
and recommendations should be scanned.
For further information on topics of research and Fellowships requirements,
see: www.ceu.hu/sep/spo/fellowships.html
Requests for additional information and completed applications should
be sent to:
Central European University
Special and Extension Programs
Nador utca 9
1051 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: +36 1 327 3271
Fax: +36 1 327 3190
E-mail: sep@ceu.hu
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The University of Michigan Law School is pleased to announce its Jean Monnet
Research Fellowship to spend six months in residence at the University of Michigan
Law School conducting research and writing a publishable paper on European integration.
The fellowship provides up to $20,000 for a six-month stay at the University
of Michigan Law School beginning between September 1, 2006, and March 1, 2007.
The Jean Monnet Research Fellowship is intended primarily for professors of
law researching European integration. Scholars with backgrounds in law-related
fields may also apply, provided that their research proposal relates to legal
issues of European integration.
Candidates from all countries are eligible. Preference will be given to projects
that are advanced enough to be completed within the timeframe of the fellowship.
The Fellowship is made possible through the generosity of the Milton and Miriam
Handler Foundation and is coordinated by Professor Daniel Halberstam at the
University of Michigan Law School in conjunction with the European Union Center
at the University of Michigan.
Applications must include:
1) A current CV including publication record
2) A research proposal describing the project, the research methodology employed,
expected results of the research, contribution to the field of European integration,
the projected date of completion, and a one-page abstract of the research proposal
3) A description of the applicant's level of English proficiency in conversation,
reading and writing
4) The amount (in USD) of available sources of income or funding for the research
stay; indicate if you will be accompanied by family members and indicate their
name and relationship to you
5) Two letters of recommendation by colleagues in your field to be sent directly
to the Center for International and Comparative Law by email to wls@umich.edu
or by fax 734.763.9182. The recommenders should be familiar with the applicant's
work and should address the quality of the research proposal and its contribution
to the literature on law-related aspects of European integration.
For more information, contact:
Assistant Dean for International Programs, Virginia Gordan, vgordan@umich.edu,
tel: 734-764-5269, OR
Program Coordinator, Stephanie Wiederhold, wls@umich.edu, tel: 734.764.0535,
University of Michigan Law School, Center for International and Comparative
Web: www.law.umich.edu/CentersAndPrograms/cicl/programs/JeanMonnetResearchFellowship.htm
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Program Description
The Third Millennium Foundation is a private foundation located in New York
City. The Foundation was founded in the year 2000 as an initiative for unlearning
intolerance in the new millennium. Its work is focused on childhood education
and human rights with emphasis on supporting social entrepreneurs among global
youth. The foundation is particularly interested in supporting innovative organizations
and young leaders that develop new approaches and methodologies that are based
on collaboration and have strong potential for replication around the world.
In 2004, TMF launched the International Center for Tolerance Education (ICTE)
located in Brooklyn, New York to provide a meeting place where a wide variety
of people could discuss, create, implement, and reflect on initiatives that
address our core areas. ICTE facilitates events, exhibitions and conferences
and houses a retreat program for activists, scholars and social change leaders.
At present, TMF is seeking eligible candidates to apply for our ICTE International
Guest Program. The Program invites 12-15-social change activists annually to
engage in networking, professional skills training, reflection on their work,
and work in consultation with staff and partner organizations. It is hoped that
this opportunity gives recognition to and support for emerging leaders who are
doing outstanding, innovative and courageous work to improve lives in their
International Guests (IGs) will be awarded accommodation in Brooklyn, New York
and fully equipped office space at ICTE for 2-3 months. This award offers individuals
the following support:
Networking with individuals and organizations i.e., UN Agencies, NGOs, non-profits,
foundations, and academe working in the field of tolerance education. Efforts
are also made to connect IGs to partners in their respective regions;
Collaboration and consultation with a staff experienced in the core areas of
Assistance with capacity building and professional development;
Participation in conferences and trainings offered at ICTE and, where relevant,
around the US and;
Opportunity to present work to ICTE community in the form of a workshop, presentation
and/ or paper accompanied by audio/visual equipment.
Criteria for International Guests Working in Field of Tolerance Education
Ideal candidates would be formal and/ or informal educators dedicated to instilling
the values, knowledge and skills of tolerance, nonviolence and peace in children
and/ or youth. TMF seeks educators preferably, but not exclusively from the
Global South and countries in the transitional world who would like to accomplish
a specific project, do research, engage in networking, or would benefit from
time off from work to reflect and/or further develop their work strategies and
Eligible candidates must be conversant (strong speaking and comprehension skills)
in English.
According to the foundation s mission, preference will be given to young and
less established leaders such as individuals who have had minimal opportunity
to travel outside of their respective communities, have a desire to connect
to the international community, and/ or would benefit from exposure to different
professional approaches to their work.
Application Information
Personal information: name, coordinates, gender, languages (including native
Desired length of stay (2-3 months) and suggested time of year ;
Curriculum vitae;
2 letters of recommendation (1 from a host organization, university or school
and 1 from a supervisor, professor or teacher with contact information and relationship)
Responses to the following questions with a length of 1-2 paragraphs per response:
How did you learn about this program?
Background information about your work, including major achievements and challenges.
What is the central problem you address in your work?
What are your main goals for your stay through the International Guest Program?
What are some of the outcomes you hope to foster from your stay here and how
would your organization or community benefit from this experience?
How would becoming a participant in the International Guest Program support
your professional development and the work you do?
If selected, candidates will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal of
their intended plan of action during their stay with ICTE.
The application submission deadline is February
, 2006. Applicants may be asked to submit additional materials.
Award notifications will be made by April 1, 2006.
How to Apply
Interested candidates should email or mail a complete application to:
Kathleen Freis
Education Director
Third Millennium Foundation / ICTE
25 Washington Street, 4th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
No phone calls please. Only selected candidates will be contacted.
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One-Year Visiting Fellowships in International Studies
The Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University seeks several
scholars/practitioners for one-year visiting fellowships to be affiliated with
existing research projects at the Institute, beginning July 1, 2006. The mission
of the Watson Institute is to analyze contemporary global problems, working
at the intersection of academia and policymaking.
We seek individuals with a commitment to multi-disciplinary collaboration. Preference
will be given to scholars/practitioners who can make contributions to and/or
across themes such as: the financing of terrorism, the role of media in international
studies, cultural awareness training in the military, institutions and development,
or global climate change. The successful candidate will be expected to teach
one undergraduate course in his or her area of specialty. There is possibility
of a renewal of this fellowship.
Salary: $40,000 (12 month), plus the option to purchase insurance at the
university's group rate, access to research and travel funds, and support
for some relocation expenses. Closing date for initial review of applications:
March 15, 2006. Brown University is an AA/EEO employer
and especially welcomes applications from women and minority candidates.
All Applications must be submitted online. For further information and
a link to the application form, see www.watsoninstitute.org
Contact Info:
Deborah Healey
Brown University
Watson Institute for International Studies
111 Thayer Street, Box 1970
Providence, RI 02912
Website: www.watsoninstitute.org