USEIC.RU Study in the United States Russian Education Preparing for Departure
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EAC / Study in the US / Admission Process / Application / Request

Example request for undergraduate students:

Your address in English
Your index, City, Country
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
University Address (exactly as printed in guidebook)

Dear Admissions Officer!

I am writing to request information on the undergraduate program at your university. I am especially interested in [Intended field of study]. I [Graduated | Will graduate] School #[Number] in Moscow in [Date] and plan to start college in [Date]. Please include information about the possibilities for financial aid at your institution. I do not have the funds to finance my education; therefore, I will be applying for full financial support from the university to cover tuition and living expenses.

If you could send me these materials along with an application form and any special information for international students, I would be very grateful. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Signature]
[Your name]

Example request for graduate students:

Your address in English
Your index, City, Country
Address (exactly as printed in guidebook)

Dear Admissions Officer!

I [graduated | will graduate] from [Name of University] in [Date] with a degree in [Field of Study]. I would like to pursue a [kind of degree] degree in the graduate [Field of Study] program at your institution beginning in [Date]. I am especially interested in [Specialization within Field of Study]. Please send me a catalog and application form along with information regarding financial aid. Let me know if there are any special requirements for foreign students. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Signature]
[Your name]

Example request for transfer students:

Your address in English
Your index, City, Country
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Address (exactly as printed in guidebook)

Dear Admissions Officer!

I am writing to request information on the undergraduate program at your university. I am especially interested in [Intended Field of Study]. I graduated School #[Number] in Moscow in [Date] and entered [Name of University, Department] in [Date]. I am currently in my [Year of Study] year and would like to complete my studies at your university beginning [Date]. Please include information about the possibilities for financial aid at your institution. I do not have the funds to finance my education; therefore, I will be applying for full financial support from the university to cover tuition and living expenses. If you could send me these materials along with an application form and any special information for international students, I would be very grateful. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Signature]
[Your name]

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