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EAC / Study in the US

The real world of E-learning. Students share their experiences with online education.

"One can successfully continue to work and have children while furthering an education. I am living proof that it is possible. Distance learning has allowed me to be successful in accomplishing an education, a career, and most important, motherhood...

"I learn best and excel when I am given control of my learning environment. I have learned to gauge my classes and the time that needs to be allotted for each class. I work off a checklist of tasks that need to be completed, and I set up a weekly schedule where certain evenings are set aside for each particular class...

"I struggled at first to find and use databases and Web sites. But with lots of practice, seeking resources became easier. I was amazed at the wealth of information available and how incredibly easy it is to access and receive this information. I've ordered articles through the library right online, and they have Fed-Exed them to me within a day or two. It's an amazing way of doing research."

Dawn Lamendola
Married, mother of two
Employed part-time

" Since students in the program come from a wide range of backgrounds, the team environment has encouraged me to help others where I may have more education or experience and has additionally allowed others to help me where my education and experience has been lacking...

"I was truly unaware of just what the Internet could do before enrolling..."

Brian Hansen
Married, father of two
Employed full-time

"Through distance learning, I will have saved over 240 hours of drive time. This has allowed for increased time with my family...

"It's very fast paced. You don't want to not log-in for more than a day or so because you'll fall behind...

"In distance learning there is an unwritten, unsaid agreement among fellow classmates to ensure that no one is left behind. It's a nice mix of professionals..."

Edward Shanshala
Employed full-time
Earned second graduate degree

"Needless to say, going out of the house in the evenings for college classes didn't look like something I could do very easily, whereas in the distance learning format I can do it whenever I can fit it in, or take it with me when I have to leave the area for business...

"I was pretty computer-stupid when I started, so I was forced to get smart in a hurry. I've learned more about computers and various programs since taking RIT classes than I would have probably ever learned. Some of the courses are tough, but if you set aside the time, work out a schedule that fits the various classes you're taking for the quarter, and study, you'll be okay..."

Lawrence McKeough
Father of four
Employed full-time

"I realized the only way I would be able to complete graduate-level work would be through a distance learning program...

"I forced myself and pushed hard by taking two classes each quarter so I could finish as soon as humanly possible. My family has been very supportive when asked to make sacrifices so I can study. It's been difficult to integrate distance learning into the big picture. We have had to discuss and agree to the sacrifices that would have to be made in order to complete the program and achieve long-term goals..."

Kevin Browne
Father of three
Employed full-time

"I had no real marketable skills... It turns out distance learning is a good way for me to learn."

Helen Pilittere
Mother of two
Employed full-time

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